Audio Counsel will be demonstrating a full Audio Note system at the Cranage Hall Audio Show this coming weekend.
For those readers that don’t know, Audio Note is a British company that manufacture music systems from source (both analogue and digital) to electronics to speakers and even cable. They have a simple level system integrated into their product range which makes it easy for customers to know exactly how to match the performance of every component.
In offering complete systems at varying price points Audio Note are able to cover a very broad range of costs and performance.
Audio Counsel will be in the Marie Curie Suite at Cranage Hall and will be demonstrating CDT2 Transport with DAC 4.1 M5 Pre amp and Conqueror 300B power amp. Speakers will be a pair of ANE spe HE on Audio Note speaker stands with Audio Note interconnects and speaker cable.
This is sure to be a popular room with people visiting the show!
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