02. April 2022 · Comments Off on PMC Fact Fenestria Chosen By Darcy Proper · Categories: Hifi News · Tags: , , , , , , , ,


Mastering engineer, Darcy Proper, has received her twelfth Grammy Award nomination for the “Best Immersive Audio Album” mastered using PMC fact fenestria flagship loudspeakers.

Darcy Proper, has received her twelfth Grammy Award nomination for the “Best Immersive Audio Album” in recognition of her work on artist Alain Mallet’s kaleidoscopic world jazz release, “Mutt Slang II – A Wake of Sorrows Engulfed in Rage”. The album was mastered at Valhalla Studios New York, using PMC fact fenestria speakers as the main monitors.

PMC Fact Fenestria Chosen By Darcy Proper

Darcy in the Valhalla Studio with the PMC fact fenestria


Darcy Proper is a mastering engineer and the first female engineer to win a Grammy for the Best Surround Album, she has subsequently won a total of four Grammys and merited eight additional nominations. Her discography is as great as any, whether it is production on Toto, Tony Bennett or Dave Brubeck; remixing works by REM or Leonard Bernstein; mastering historical reissues for Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra and Billie Holiday; or new releases for Steely Dan or Porcupine Tree, she has done it all.

“Working on the fenestrias allowed me to feel as well as hear the music and to choose wisely when making the fine adjustments that serve to bring the listener closer to the rich and colourful musical experience so beautifully crafted by Alain,” said Darcy.


Based in upstate New York at Valhalla Studios, Darcy uses PMC’s flagship, the fact fenestria, in her mastering suite. This choice of loudspeaker demonstrates perfectly the ‘from studio to home’ philosophy of PMC. As Darcy puts it “When I’m mastering, I am listening for a level of detail that is probably more in line with audiophile listening rather than the broader strokes of power and balance often favoured in mixing environments. I also prefer a passive monitor paired with my choice of power amp to get the detailed sound that I’m looking for. I get to know my monitor set-up like a musician gets to know his/her favourite instrument. I then rely on that listening environment for all my creative decision-making so it’s important that my monitors give me what I need.  For that combination of detail and accuracy, the fenestrias were the best fit.”

PMC Peter Thomas

Peter Thomas at PMC HQ with their flagship PMC fact fenestria

Jeff Willcocks, PMC’s CEO adds his thoughts “We have long espoused the notion that there is only one way to design a loudspeaker, and that is the right way. It doesn’t matter whether the speaker is for studio or home use, and that is why audiophiles who want to hear the music sounding just like it did in the studio know PMC will give them that emotional connection to the music, in the way the artist intended. Darcy’s use of our flagship speakers, the fenestria, is the strongest possible reinforcement of the ‘studio to home’ approach we have always taken.”

Darcy takes up the theme “I need to be able to rely on the fact that what I hear in my monitors will sound good only when it actually IS good. That’s how I know when my work is done.  My goal is to give the end listener the best possible experience; for the artist’s message to reach the listener in the most engaging and compelling way possible. I am best able to judge that when listening on a well-calibrated, detailed system.”

PMC Fact Fenestria Chosen By Darcy Proper

Darcy Proper, Grammy Award winning mastering engineer


Upon joining the team at Valhalla, the fenestrias were one piece of equipment that were a ‘must-have’ for the mastering room to give Darcy the tools she needs. “The fenestrias are a critical part of the accurate and detailed, yet musical, monitoring system which is the basis for the sonic evaluation and decision-making fundamental to my work as a mastering engineer.  Without that reliable point of reference, any adjustments I make would simply be guesswork.”

Valhalla Studios is owned by Joey DeMaio, founder of multi-million record selling rock/metal legends Manowar. The main studio is also equipped with PMC’s flagship QB1 XBD-A active monitors as part of a multi-channel immersive audio mixing system.

Alain Mallet’s album, “Mutt Slang II – A Wake of Sorrows Engulfed in Rage”, is available now on all major streaming platforms.

HiFi Pig Says: PMC is deeply rooted in professional audio, with their loudspeakers and monitors gaining many fans in both the studio and the home, they have all musical bases covered.


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