One of the most spectacular venues we have ever been to for a HiFi Show, the PGE Narodowy, is the national stadium of Poland, situated a short drive over the river from the other two show locations. It is really impressive and the facilities make it perfect for a large-scale HiFi Show and the huge amount of visitors.
Please note, all content and photos are the copyright of HiFi Pig Magazine/Big Pig Media LLP and must not be copied or reproduced in any way without the prior, written consent of HiFi Pig/Big Pig Media.
We visited on Sunday as we knew that Saturday would be the busiest day here…but even though slightly quieter, we still had to fight our way into many of the rooms. Particularly at this venue, there were loads of families and couples and lots of kids brought along to enjoy the show, fantastic to see the joy and wonder on the faces of the next generation of audiophiles.
The stadium is not only designed to cater for a lot of people, it also gives a spectacular backdrop to the show, with rather epic views from the Sky boxes. Exhibitors commented on how easy set up was and they mostly seemed to get their rooms sounding excellent.
This was the first time we have actually had the opportunity to sit and listen to the Dali Kore but judging by the number of people who have raved about them after having heard them at Munich and who had made over to the Stadium before us, we really should have listened to them sooner.
Paired with CLASSÉ electronics I can see why folk have been so enthusiastic about these speakers. Yes they are big and yes they are expensive (£70K)y, but the do sound utterly sublime in an effortless a liquidly smooth kind of way.
If you have the opportunity to experience these extraordinary speakers at any time, then I suggest you do just that. If you can afford the price of admission and looking for new speakers, then these absolutely MUST be on your shortlist.
The Sonus faber Nova 5 were playing along with Marantz electronics in this room.
I make no secret that I absolutely love the way Raidho loudspeakers play music. At €235,000 for the TD6, which had their debut at Munich, which were playing in this room along with Classé electronics, I suppose they really ought to sound excellent…and they do.
The company graphics in the room tell listeners to “PREPARE TO BE AMAZED” and you will be. This kind of thing is in the realms of the uber-high-end and only affordable by the very lucky few, but the brand play a lot of shows and if you get the opportunity to listen, then do just that, you’ll be amazed!
We were told that previously grown me had been in the room and seen crying and so I asked the tune that caused this and they played it for us – Anette Askvik (Liiberty). Tears were not jerked for me, but it did sound AMAZING!
We chatted to Raidho’s Export Manager Lars Møller, who gave us all the warm fuzzy feels with what he had to say about HiFi Pig’s show coverage: “You actually paint the picture yourself, of what you do professionally, HiFi Pig is like you, professional, cozy, down to ground, and funny, it’s never cold and boring! The problem is, that when I start reading your stuff, I just can’t stop. You are taking hours out of my life”. Thank you Lars!
Swiss brand PIEGA were playing their COAX 811 speakers along with NAIM electronics. The cabinets on these speakers are Aluminium and the tweeter is a coaxial ribbon. Now, I’m not exactly sure what a coxial ribbon is but it works well in these speakers. 16 Tons by the Nightwatchmen was playing and sounded fab – nothing jumping out and grabbing you by the neck, just a good sounding and enjoyable listen.
Taga were showing the prototype of the Platinum V4 speaker along with the TWA 10B streamer and new DAC with MQA, DSD. Also a new TCD50 CD player was being shown.
TAGA were also premiering a new all-in-one system with FM radio, streaming, and most anything else you need at under €800. Taga claim this is the first all-in-one Hybrid vale and solid state ever. A very cool concept that should fly!
This was the first time TAGA had shown at the stadium all alone but they certainly seem to be moving forward at a pace with an emphasis on products that offer exceptional value for money without losing that feeling that you are buying a serious audio product. It’s great to see this Polish brand growing!!
Playing the AudioSolutions Vantage M speakers (92dB sensitive) with a huge PLIUM power amplifier was a Benny Audio turntable which was new to me. What wasn’t new to me was the excellent LAB 12 melto 2 phonostage which seems to be getting used in a lot of high-end systems these days, despite its relatively modest price; I’d love to think some of this was me having raved about it since it was launched and having had it in our main system pretty much ever since.
They were playing pretty dull music when we came in the room which really didn’t do anything for the system but then played Opeth’s Credence through the ROCKNA digital front end (Wavedream DAC and NET transport) which pushed the system a little dynamically musically and the system opened up. Likewise Michael Hedges Aerial Boundaries played on the Benny Audio/ LAB 12 analogue front end pushed the system a little and it opened up nicely.
Good sounding system this.
The Auralic Aries G1.1 streaming transport and Altair G1.1 streaming combo were playing through some speakers called HEDD which look very much like studio monitors but sounded really good in this system. They are from Germany, are active and sound incredible. Both Linette and I looked at each other thinking someone had spoken to us from behind us but it was just an effect. I’ll be checking these out in the future for sure. The speakers that were playing when we were in the room were the HEDD Audio Type 30 MK 2 and are €5,000 which given that they are active, sounds like a reasonable deal to me.
Polish brand ESA Loudspeakers (NEO REVELATOR) are a new brand for me but they sounded good in this room with the Kora TB400 integrated and the Airtight ATE-3011 phono and ATH-2 REFERENCE SUT. The turntable was from Brinkmann in the shape of their TAURUS.
The AudioNEC EVO line (EVO 3) loudspeakers are an interesting looking speaker and certainly did the business on the end of a BOULDER amp (1160) and Pre (1110).
The digital front end which should need no introduction was from Belgian brand 432 EVO which we covered in some detail at the recent DUTCH AUDIO EVENT. This is the MASTER version of the 432 EVO and I have to say that I’m yet to hear a system sound anything less than great that has it in there. I know it’s only a part of the chain but it’s clearly a case of excellence in, excellence out in this case.
Jorma cables and a Franc Audio Accessories Alumaster rack finished off this really nice sounding system, though I would have liked to have heard something more familiar on it.
The final Soundclub Room was all about EMOTIVA that I’ve long associated with excellent bang for your buck, and although I have always known them for their electronics I was happy to get to listen to their AIRMOTIV B2+ speakers.
The Headphone Zone at the Audio Video Show 2022 was located at PGE Narodowy, with over 50 manufacturers and distributors of audio devices exhibiting in a large hall. Visitors found headphones from every price range: from budget to the most expensive and sophisticated headphones in the world. An important principle for the visitors of the event was the opportunity to try out all the presented models of headphones, also using their own music players and phones…there were loads of people taking advantage of this and the place was packed with Headfi fans.
We saw plenty of familiar faces among the exhibitors, including iFi and Final Audio.
Ferrum are becoming very popular with Headfi enthusiasts with their products like the Ferrum Oor Headphone Amp and Hyspsos PSU that we reviewed recently

The Fulianty Audio headphone amp which we discovered at High End Munich 2022 in the Start-Up area…nice to see them doing well!
The McIntosh room was essentially a small church to the iconic American brand. This is what having a name that is synonymous with high-end audio looks like and the faithful came flocking. And that was just the mainly static room.
In the next room, there was a considerably sized shrine of black, green and chrome electronics playing through a pair of Rockport Technology Signals loudspeakers. Whether you personally subscribe to this particular religion is your own business, but many have clearly heard the word, like the message it delivers and have come to worship at this beautifully constructed altar. Personally, I really enjoyed the room; It was cool, played nice tunes and sounded great.
I get it, though I may not be ready to become a full-time devotee just yet!
Bloody Nora! If the McIntosh room was a temple to that American brand then this room was a demonstration of a very different faction of the high-end religion fronted by the staggeringly good Marten Coltrane Momento 2 loudspeakers, Pre and amps were by Tenor and the zeros and ones were provided by WADAX. There was more, but that’s what was playing when we went in this room…and praise be to the audiophile gods on high, this was excellent.
I might not have “got” all the music that was playing but high-end audio is one of those things that is hard to quantify, but you know when you hear it…and I just heard it in this room. I’m not going to try and describe the sound but it was excellent…though I’m trying hard not to use the word heavenly.
To a person, everyone that had been over to the stadium at Audio Video Show had raved about this room and I have to say that I was very much looking forward to getting myself in front of this system. Mercedes Sosa Gloria was playing when I managed to snaffle a seat and I don’t think I’ve heard such a natural sounding system at a show…EVER! The people I’d spoken to were right about the Gran Gioia 2 x 16 speakers…they are bloody wonderful and despite them being well beyond my means it was a case of just a love that is never likely to be requited other than a quick fondle at shows like this.
But then ACDCs Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution came on and it was another level of WOW! Amazing. Truly amazing. And Daft Punk’s Giorgio..and..and..and….
The full system was the Cary DMS-800 network-audio-player, Ypsilon preamplifier in passive mode, Ypsilon Aelius power amplifiers 200W, Cammino Reference series cabling, Cammino Power Harmonizer H3.1 MK 3, Omicron tuning…and of course the Gran Gioia 2×16 from Blumenhofer Acoustics making their first ever appearance at a HiFi Show.
The speakers are €270,000 a pair and I’m saving up!
A religious experience?…not quite, but not far off!!
OK, so we have hit the high-end stream in the last few rooms and so it continues with this room. The Alexia Vs from Wilson sounded really excellent today on the end of the D’Agostino amps (Momentum m400 mxV), Audio Research pre and dCS electronics.
The Audio Research Reference 160 S pre was making its first outing at the show. The DAC was the dCS Vivaldi Apex DAC with the dCS Vivaldi Upsampler Plus.
I wasn’t familiar with the music but sounds were coming from all over the room to create a really interesting and immersive soundscape – my friend called Shazam told me it was Omar Bashir’s Ambient Oud.
Hotel Calibloodyfornia live got another outing too – praise be because I don’t think I’d heard it yet today. Actually, I didn’t care because it did sound really very, very good!
Pulling out the big guns with the £330,000 Wilson Chronosonic XVX and top of the line Gryphon electronics, in the form of the Commander preamplifier, the Apex power amplifier and the Ethos player, for a room PACKED with people who were clearly excited about hearing this system. I love the enthusiasm of the people that come to Audio Video Show in Warsaw, I really do.
This system could easily have been FAR too much for this room but the people that set it up had been sensible and not tried to push the room too far, though it would have been pretty easy to do with these behemoths of audio in the space.
The Franco-Anglo alliance may be a bit tenuous in political circles but in the audio world it would seem that all is “trés good”.
The NAIM Statement amp and pre is something to behold and Ghost Rider’s Makes Us Stronger sounded fab through the FOCAL GRANDE UTOPIA EM EVO speakers. Dynamically I think this system was possibly the one to beat at the show and they certainly knew which tune to pick to demonstrate this.
I found this room really enjoyable too.
I didn’t manage to get a seat in this very busy (but quite small) room but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, GATO know how to dress a room for a show. The orange kit looked great and the brief listen I had (stood up) was cool.
Quite noisy at the back of this smallish room and that stopped us from getting a proper listen to start with. The Martin Logan Impression ESL11A were playing with the Anthem STR Integra and when the nattering stopped Tom Jones’ Did Trouble Me sounded pretty cool, with the banjo over to the right of the room sounding particularly lifelike.

British cable brand Tellurium Q have gained some serious recognition for their products over the last several years…including some HiFi Pig awards!
Regular readers will know that I really do rate the Polish hORNS loudspeakers but not everyone will know the Audio Hungary (QUALITON) marque. The Qualiton pre and power with KT150 was a good match.
A nice sounding room overall with a natural and unforced sound.
The hORNS are the Symphony 10 which is the same concept as the Symphony 13 (which we reviewed in 2021) but with a 10” bass driver. These are a 92db-sensitive speaker. They are €12,000 a pair.
All cables were by David Laboga Custom Audio. David is well known for the last 17 years for making cables for the music industry including Phil Campbell from Motorhead.

Behind the scenes…how to store your packing crates AND get some acoustic treatment where you need it in the stadium Sky boxes
JBL Everest DD67000 speakers were paired with Mark Levinson electronics, including the ML50 amps in this room. I’ve heard these speakers sound absolutely spectacular but I think in this space they were a bit too much for the available space which made them sound a tad boomy.
Aavik, Borreson, and Ansuz make up this Danish powerhouse who between them produces loudspeakers, electronics, power and cable products and accessories.
I like this company a lot as they have a whole load of interesting tech in their products but their slogan is “Trust Your Ears”, and to me that is what counts. I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing some of the electronics and was really impressed.
This was a tight and very precise sounding system that I could have listened to for a lot longer than I had the opportunity to do. I was about to walk out the room when they played a drum solo (Gojira) which made me sit up and take even more notice…and judging by the reactions of others it had had a similar effect. This sounded fantastically dynamic and tight with that bass kick drum sounding fantastic but not overpowering everything else that was going on. VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!
The speakers were the new and not yet officially announced entry-level Børresen X3 loudspeaker paired with, the Aavik I-880 amplifier and several products from the Ansuz Gold Signature series. The aim of the design of the new X3 was to pack typical Børresen DNA into a more cost-effective package…we don’t know the pricing yet but we know they sound excellent!
The Fyne Audio Vintage 10s with the M8xTT turntable , Nu Vista PAS and PSU and Nu Vista pre was a sweet sounding system. Sadly a little too much going on in the back and sides of the rooms to really sit and enjoy this system properly, over and above a bit of a listen.
The BAT REX 500 is new, 500W into 8 and 1000w into 4. The new MoFi Master Phono is out in January. Pre was the BAT VK-80. There’s the MasterDeck to come in the future too. The speakers were the Classic XII.
I’m not really allowed to talk about this but there may be MoFi speakers coming soon!
Miles Davis sounded fab on this system!
CDT-XR, PRE-XR (PSU-XR) 2 x X300s through Kimber Cable to Audio Physic Codex. The PSY -XR is a new PSU that operates by communicating with the host product to supply to supply the correct voltages ettc. This means it can be used on all the other XR products – one size PSU fits all.
I’ll be honest, after the rooms we’d been in not too long before this I wasn’t expecting a great deal, but it was surprisingly effortlessly sounding. Smooth and not over-forced kind of sound that will appeal to folk that want to listen to music rather than obsess about the kit.
JBL had a large open space at the end of the corridor which could have been awful but wasn’t. Mostly a static display but with a nice sounding system set out for folks to sit, chill and listen. It’s impossible to make a comment on the sound, even more so that usual at a show, but I actually really liked this relaxed approach, which was helped by the really nice blues by Greg Brown that was playing.
So, this is Horn Acoustic, not to be confused with Polish brand hORNS.
The Lampizator BALTIC 3 was the DAC the amps were Horn Acoustics which had an air of the Audio Note about them but we were told they were not a commercial project and as such not for sale. The Horn Acoustic Ferria speakers (€10,700) were an interesting design based around, unsurprisingly a horn attached to a bass reflex box.
Portuguese brand INNUOS do music servers and streamers and nothing else and this dedication to one aspect of the audio chain shows. They are masters of one…and I like this. The dCS DAC Rossini Apex, Wilson Sasha made up the rest of the system with a Gryphon amp. The INNUOS Statement server, PhoenixNET switch made the business end of the system.
I love this dem. Thirty seconds of music a switch over and thirty seconds of music with the change. Changing over to the regular USB from the Reclocker USB is definitely a downgrade. The reclocker USB is better timed and better sounding. It’s hard to describe but when you hear it you cannot ignore it.
T + A & Tentogra
Tentogra turntables and T + A electronics. Sadly the room was too full with folk standing about to really get a proper listen. What I did manage to listen to sounded really good and not at all vinyl-like, if that makes sense. Very clean and free of any pops and crackles.
The next T + A room was better laid out and we were able to have a decent listen. And it was very nice.
Full kit list was all T + A: SDV 3100 HD DAC, PDT 3100 HD REF CD, and the rather lovely looking amps were the M40 HVs. Making their premiere at the show were the Solitaire 430s (€25K). All connections were Tellurium Q Silver Diamonds.
In the front row and slightly over to the right of centre this was a really enjoyable system to listen to. Nothing out of place and nothing too shouty. It was also nicely balanced in this room with the folk that set it up obviously having spent some time to ensure speakers were correctly placed and that the volume was correct for the room.
Oh, and there was a rather lovely STUDER reel to reel in the room that we managed to get a very quick listen to. I’d forgotten how much I love the sound of R 2 R.
Another brand that get their rooms right whenever and wherever you go to a show is American Icon Klipsch. Very cool and very corporate. The speakers in this room were the RP 8060 FA II which I think is a really lovely and catchy title for a speaker.
Eric Clapton was playing on the telly and whilst I’m not a fan of AV in the main, this sounded really good; not overdone and just right on the volume front for this room.
This room was playing at a volume that should have sounded crap – far too loud for a room of this size but it just sounded fantastic. Those Dutch & Dutch 8C speakers are something else. Very much my kind of sound in this room; loads of bass but fast tight and somehow not at all boomy despit there being no room treatment. Very impressive indeed!
I think this is about as good as I’ve heard Magicos sound. I think I’ve said this before, but I’ve often found them to be a bit lacklustre in their presentation. However, with the MSB electronics in front of them they were really involving and exciting to listen to. I actually found myself really getting into the music in this room which is what a good system is supposed to let you do. I also loved the stealth black of the system!
The full system consisted of:
Magico A5 speakers, MSB Reference DAC, MSB S202 Power Amp, Pink Faun 2.16ultra streamer/server, Metronome Le Player 4 CD transport, Acoustic Signature Typhoon Neo turntable/AS TA-2000 12’’ Neo tonearm /AS MCX-4 cartridge/AS Tango Reference phono stage, Gigawatt PC-4 EVO power conditioner and Gigawatt power cables, Tellurium Q Silver Diamond speaker cables/interconnects and a Finite Elemente Pagode Edition rack.
Triangle Magellan Cello 40th speakers with a whole load of NUPRIME electronics sounded really very relaxed and unhurried feel to their presentations. Clearly a very nice partnership and a classy sounding system.
I really do love Audiovector speakers and the Moons should make them sing. Requesting Daft Punk’s Contact should have certainly put them through their paces…so we did just that. I know the Audiovector sound very well and I like the way this track has a slam and dynamics to the drums in particular. All very good here, but not with the same slam and attack we are used to at home using the R6s. Certainly still a very accomplished sound, particularly in a show situation. Everything was absolutely present and correct from top to bottom and only missing a smidge in that dynamic slam for my taste … I can’t help thinking that it was perhaps something to do with the subs which is the only element that we do not have at home!
This is the first time I’ve heard Audiovector sound anything less than fantastic at a show.
Brand new PL300G (€14,000) speakers were making their show debut with Cambridge Audio’s NQ and 2xM monos all connected with Chord Company Cables.
Played us some really cool hip hop and this system certainly liked that kind of flavour of tunes. Bass was excellent as was the whole presentation which was nicely balanced from top to bottom. I really enjoyed this room.
This was a very “live” (actually, it was very harsh) sounding room that needed the tops. Too much volume for this room with one Polish guy coming over to me, I think he assumed I was looking after the room, to tell me it was too loud and too harsh sounding. The Cabasse speakers were playing in this room when we went in.
And then into a room that was lovely, smooth and relaxed sounding.
Chord DAVE DAC/headphone amplifier, the recently announced all-new ULTIMA PRE 3 preamp, plus the 350-watt ULTIMA 5 stereo power amplifier, which features the company’s innovative new Dual Feed Forward error-correction technology. Speakers were also British in the form of the Spendor Classic 100s. This was such a relief after the last room, and I could have sat and listened for ages. Cables in here were by Cardas.
Electrocompaniet’s W800M MonoBlocks, Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MkV CD Player, Electrocompaniet EC-4.8 MkII Preamplifier, Electrocompaniet ECM1-MKII streamer/DAC, Rockport Technologies Avior II Speakers and Transparent Audio Reference G6 cables were in this really lovely sounding room. Beautifully relaxed and chilled with piano of an unknown track sounding very much as if it were in the room and a female vocal sounding smooth as silk.
Rockport Technology’s Atria II were on the end of the VTL electronics that included a pair of MB450 II monoblocs with VPI’s Avenger Reference with Lyra’s Etna Reference cartridge. This was a fast paced and on the edge of your seat listen.
I don’t often get a chance to listen to VPI’s turntables but this was an opportunity that I really enjoyed taking and had we not been so pressed for time I’d have stayed in this room a lot longer than I did.
The J Sikora Reference turntable was carrying the brand new J Sikora KV MAX Zirconium Series tonearm….read more about it here. AIDAS Mammoth Gold was the cartridge for which J Sikora is the Polish distributor. The body of this cart is built out of 120,000-year-old mammoth tusk – beat that for exotic. The front end in total is around €50K.
Soundspace Systems make the PIROL speakers. These are from Berlin and cost around €55K and the electronics are from Linnenberg.
Polish people clearly support and know their own country’s brands and even at this late in the day hour the room was packed with people enjoying the tunes.
That turntable and arm combo is a thing of great beauty and J Sikora is reaping the rewards of their hard work as I know for a fact the buzz around this Polish father and son team is, well, very buzzy all around the world. Having known the brand for a good while it’s fabulous to see.
Legacy Classic HD speakers were the main focus in this room along with PS AUDIO electronics.
I think this show kicked off with Dire Straits and despite my constant moaning about hearing barely anything but, this was the first time I think I heard the band over at the stadium at Audio Video Show Warsaw. A nice relaxed sounding room.
The new Epos ES14N speaker from Karl-Heinz Fink were making their Polish debut at the show and it was the first time I had anything more than a couple of minutes to sit in front of these speakers…and I really like them powered by the absolutely massive Marton Opusculum Reference 3 amplifier. They sound like a bigger speaker than they actually are and they threw a really nice stage in this room with the female vocal we were listening to being bang central and projected properly into the room. I could live with this sound!
I’ve always really enjoyed ATC speakers when I’ve had the opportunity to hear them and the SCM100 PSL sounded glorious on the end of the CH Precision C1.2 DAC, L1 line preamplifier and A1.5 stereo amplifier. The feeling of controlled power was great and the system hardly felt like it was breaking a sweat. A big sounding room but not overblown or boomy.
B Audio 1 and the Intrada Claude loudspeakers (€7300). The speakers use Morel drivers and seem an awful lot of speaker for the money. We got to listen to Kraftwerk’s Tour De France and this was a room-filling experience for such a relatively modestly priced loudspeaker. The lineation of the sounds in the mix was excellent with nothing immediately standing out as not being very good. Maybe I’d have liked a bit more bass but that did come when the volume was turned up a smidge. I’d like to hear these speakers at home.
Polish brand Ferrum had their electronics powering speakers we think were called Stereo. This was the first time I’d come across these speakers and we didn’t have a lot of time to listen to them and, no fault of theirs, the Ferrum team were getting the room packed down.
Please note, all content and photos are the copyright of HiFi Pig Magazine/Big Pig Media LLP and must not be copied or reproduced in any way without the prior, written consent of HiFi Pig/Big Pig Media.
Read the first report here!
Read the second report here!
Read the third report here!
Read the fourth report here!
Read the fifth report here!
Stuart and Linette Smith