Essential High End Munich 2023 is a series of promotional articles about the essential HiFi brands to visit at the show. Read on for more about their philosophy, their products, and, of course, where they will be at this year’s High End Show.

Essential High End Munich 2023 – Totaldac

Totaldac will be at the High End Munich show in a 74sqm room, Atrium 4.1, F123.


Come and listen to a full Totaldac system and discover for the first time these new components :

-d1-sublime DAC from the new unity architecture

-Amp-1-mk2 amplifier

-d100%wood speakers with super tweeter option

  • new unity DAC architecture


The “unity” architecture gives more presence, more contrast between the timbre of each instrument, more contrast between the size of each instrument, more clarity at the same time as more body and more dynamic. The sound is more realistic and natural giving you more pleasure and no fatigue.

This sound has been adjusted with an analog master tape player as direct comparison and with digital recordings made by Totaldac.

Listening tests were made in the new Totaldac auditorium.

The “unity” architecture allows a better clock distribution, a lower jitter, a lower R2R power supply rail impedance and a lower noise in the digital section.

The R2R ladder resistors are still the famous naked Vishay foil.

The output stage is also fully new, in term of components and in term of schematics, and using discrete components exclusively.

This new output stage produced a 3.5V unbalanced signal and a 7V balanced signal with low impedance for the best versatility, to be connected to all preamps, all integrated amps and also directly to all power amps.

These new DACs can also integrate the internal streamer board option for a network use.

The new “unity” architecture still allows all Totaldac d1-x DACs to be upgraded to this new architecture.


The d1-unity is the first one-box DAC in the range based on the “unity” architecture, with about 150 components upgraded or added to the electronic boards.


The d1-triunity is the highest end one-box DAC in the range based on the “unity” architecture.

The d1-triunity is a d1-unity but with 3 R2R ladders per channel instead of one, giving a lower noise and the real scale of each instrument.

About 290 components are upgraded or added to the electronic boards compared to the previous DAC generations using 3 R2R ladders per channel.

Essential High End Munich 2023 – Totaldac

Totaldac d1


The d1-sublime is the new flagship DAC from Totaldac.

This time about 680 components are upgraded or added to the electronic boards compared to the previous 3-box DAC generation.

The d1-sublime is a new DAC and it also includes several accessories, so it becomes a 4-box DAC composed of:

-2 monobloc DACs

-1 d1-digital-sublime reclocker

-1 3-output large-box live-power power supply

-a custom BNC clock cable

-a remote control cable

-a pair of simple AES-EBU cables as a start point, can be upgraded to UP12 cables

This monobloc configuration, proven by the Totaldac d1-twelve DAC, gives even more 3D and more body to the sound compared to the d1-triunity.

Essential High End Munich 2023 – Totaldac

Totaldac d1 Sublime flagship DAC


The Amp-1-mk2 uses a triode voltage amplifying stage and a high current transistor buffer, to give roughly the best of tubes and transistors, and tuned with a d1-sublime DAC as reference.

It has been tested on Magico M6, on the big coax horn system, and on Totaldac d100%wood speakers.

The Magico being moderate efficiency and difficult impedance, the big horn system being 105dB/1W/1m efficiency with easy 8ohm impedance, an amplifier giving the best sound in these two opposite environments will work as great with all HiFi speakers.

Specifications of the stereo version:

stereo power amplifier

zero global feedback

fully discrete design

triode main stage and solid state output

class AB with medium level of class A for moderate power consumption and for moderate heat in the room

2500VA, 26kg LIVE-POWER transformer with separate windings for left and right channel

separate left/right power supply rectifications and capacitor banks for an almost dual mono configuration (like two monoblocs in one chassis)

designed on Magico M6, on a 105dB large coax horn system and on Totaldac speakers

low noise truly tested on very high efficiency speakers

RCA inputs

largest Mundorf binding posts

2x160W under 8ohm

2x300W under 4ohm

2x500W under 2ohm

stable under 1ohm

28dB gain

1.5V sensitivity

input impedance: 47Kohm

frequency response at -3dB: 0.06Hz to 1MHz

distorsion: 0.05% @ 20W

power consumption when music level is moderate: 175Watt @ 230V

230mm height

483mm width

453mm depth including connectors

54kg weight

Essential High End Munich 2023 – Totaldac

Totaldac amp1 MK2

Specifications of the Monobloc version:

XLR input

fully balanced from the XLR input to the speaker output

an Amp-1-mk2 monobloc can also be used as a stereo amplifier with RCA inputs

600W under 8ohm

1000W under 4ohm


The flagship Totaldac speaker is the d100%wood equipped with the Totaldac super tweeter.

The super tweeter extends the frequency reponse to 40KHz.

There is no cable visible, the super tweeter is simply plugged on top of the speakers and can be removed just as easily for example before a shipment.


-98dB @ 1m @ 2.83V even in bass thanks to two 12inch drivers

-2.5way: both 12inch drivers are producing bass but only the top driver is producing midrange as well

-bass cut-off: 25Hz at -6dB in room

-8ohm average impedance with smooth variations

-constant directivity horn used only above 3.5KHz

-equally resolving from top to bottom

-most of the sound is coming from the top of the speaker, giving it a bookshelf speaker coherency

-driver and crossover components from Western Europe manufacturers

-Neodymium bass driver with very high force

-custom made ultra fast bass/mid driver using a custom wooden frame

-very extended treble 1 inch compression driver with organic dome

-crossover made of air coils and selected film capacitors only

-point to point wiring crossover, no PCB trace is used, only the component legs are used

-inductor for the bass made of 5mm2 copper wire

-crossover isolated in its own wooden enclosure

-Mundorf binding posts for any kind of banana and spade cables

-cabinet made of 100% massive wood

-made in France

-width: 320mm

-depth: 470mm

-height: 1180mm

Essential High End Munich 2023 – Totaldac

Totaldac d100% wood with supertweeter


Hear the full Totaldac system in Atrium 4.1, F123

Click here for all the latest High End Munich 2023 news and show reports


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Muarah MU-2 Phono Preamplifier

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