There is just so much to see and hear at Munich High End that in the end it all becomes a bit of a blur and so, rather than trying to cover absolutely every room and make a comment I wanted to pick out a few of the exhibitors at High End that stood out for me (In no particular order!) and some that have perhaps previously really impressed and this year didn’t quite do it for me. Of course in the show environment nothing is going to be perfect and the rooms are far from perfect, though consistently better than the vast majority of rooms at shows in hotels.
Here’s part 1 of many…
Sound Galleries in Monaco.
This was in one of the little cabin affairs in one of the downstairs halls and you could have easily missed it. However, once you got inside you were presented with a nice pair of Avantgarde Duos paired with Audiopax electronics and Tellurium Q cables along with DACs from Antelope and Lampizator. I went back to this room a good few times, the last time one of the chaps in there extolling the virtues of Windows 10 over previous versions….it was better. Geoffrey from Sound Galleries should be commended on getting such natural and unforced sound in this space.
Also in the room was acoustic paneling from GIK in the UK. 2 X tri traps in each of the corners for the low end control. On the side walls 3 X 242’s to deal with the first reflection points and ensure that stereo imaging was maintained. On the back wall was thick bass trapping to help with the room modes and stop the back wall cancellations.
Lawrence Audio
For whatever reason it was, this room was deserted apart from the guys exhibiting but you guys missed a treat with these loudspeakers being beautifully made and making an equally beautiful sound.
Tune Audio, ModWright, VPI and Skogrand
The big Animas have lost the sub that looks like a woodburning stove in this set up and have partnered with Modwright electronics and Skogrand cables. Dynamics, scale and sheer musicality were the order of the day in this room. You need a big room to accomodate the whole caboodle but if you have it then this is one set up to consider. This was the first time we’d met Knut from Skogrand in person and what a lovely guy he is…not a hint of pillage in him at all, despite his Viking heritage. We also got to meet the lovely Mat from American turntable manufacturer VPI whose turntables look a LOT better in the flesh than my lousy photography skills show – image shows the VPI Prime
We know Computer Audio Design really well and have always been impressed with their DAC (and we have the new CAT transport here for review at the moment) but partnered with the Trilogy electronics and the diminutive Boenicke loudspeakers the sound comes alive. I mentioned these little speakers last year and I’m again amazed at the sound that comes from such a diminutive package. Surely a strong contender for those looking for an unobtrusive and yet big sounding loudspeaker.
German Physiks
Sadly we missed the live music but I do like the sound that these omnidirectional speakers make. Whilst they may look somewhat “different” it can’t be denied that they certainly do the business sonically and no matter where you position yourself in the room you do seem to get a decent presentation of the stereo image. Janine has reviewed these for Hifi Pig, but I’m dying to give them a bash in our living room.
Avid and Eggleston Works
Avid are perhaps known for their turntables and phonostages, but this year the star of their room had to be the new monoblocs and preamplifier on show. They are big in stature and equally big on sound…though I’d have liked to have had the opportunity to give them a proper workout and crank them up a little but alas time constraints dictated otherwise!!
Read all our High End 2015 coverage in one place
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