Formed 5 years ago but playing music together going back as long as 15 years ago, Miss Lucid have created their 5 track, self-titled debut record, due for release in April 3rd on Fat Hippy Records. The debut single, ‘The Beast’ was unleashed on March 6th and they will also have some live dates that will be announced imminently. Luckily I got my hands on the full album for review!

Naturally I started with the debut single and opening track on the album, ‘The Beast’. Starting with eerie vocals leading into what can only be described as a killer rock/metal rhythm, ‘The Beast’ rings true to the style of Metallica, My chemical Romance, Shinedown and many others who adopted this ethereal sound. However it is no copycat as Miss Lucid bring their own twist and turns to their music that made this a very pogo worthy track.

Other tracks on this album also bear these traits to with the sampled vocals openings evident on the track ‘Seduction of Solitude’ and tracks such as ‘The Craft’, ‘The great Divide’ and ‘Another Pathogen’ opening with rhythmic guitar riffs and gutsy bass. Listening to this short but punchy album reminded me of a lot of the music I listened to in my teenage years, with the tracks calling back to the styles of Nirvana, The Smiths and HIM so many more. With the track ‘The Craft’ in particular being an excellent example of this with almost trance inducing guitar rhythms like those of The Smiths on their track ‘How Soon Is Now?’. Safe to say whilst this 20 year old Lauren likes how this album sounds, the 15 year old gothy rocker Lauren would have lapped this up in a heartbeat and looped it to her hearts content.

I can only imagine that this music would be quite the experience live but for those who prefer a home listen with punch then Miss Lucid through any Hifi system that can handle it is sure to add to a good listening experience. To anyone who likes the styling of any of the bands mentioned in either this review or the interview I conducted with the guys earlier, then I say give Miss Lucid a chance, they may just surprise you as they have me.

Lauren Coombes

Larks Tongues In Aspic – King Crimson
Happyness – Write In

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