Last night we received the following message from John Giolas of Wilson Audio: “We at Wilson Audio are saddened to inform you that Dave Wilson recently discovered that he has a rare form of bone cancer. He had been seeking the source of some discomfort he’d been experiencing for some period of time. He and Sheryl Lee are working with the best physicians and medical professionals to determine his treatment options so they can identify the best course of action for Dave”.
“As Dave and Sheryl Lee travel this difficult road, they’ve asked their friends, if they wish, to remember Dave in their prayers. They also wanted to share their love and gratitude for all those who have supported Wilson Audio for the past several decades. They consider you all a part of their extended family”.
Wilson Audio have been one of the most recognisable loudspeaker manufacturers in the Hifi business for many years. Dave Wilson has been on a personal quest to convey the passion of live music since 1974. Wilson recently launched his ‘magnum opus’, the WAMM Master Chronosonic which goes back to his first commercial loudspeaker design, the original WAMM (Wilson Audio Modular Monitor). I’m sure you will all join us in sending Dave and Sheryl Lee the very warmest wishes of support at what is an incredibly difficult time.
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