Next year’s dates for the Bristol Show are Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th February 2019. The show is the UK’s largest consumer Hi-Fi and Home Cinema Exhibition and UK’s largest AV Industry Trade Show which is celebrating its 32nd Year in 2019.
The shows organisers have sent the following information about the show including the Clarity Alliance Awards.


As always the Show was buzzing, and everyone seemed pleased with our customary busy weekend and the very positive atmosphere. Visitors came from all over the UK and numbers were well up on Friday which was great. Overall we noticed younger customers and more couples and families, a demographic we have been trying very hard to attract.

Sound & Vison Show Bristol – Another successful year of the UK’s largest Hi-Fi and Home Cinema show – Opens to crowds on day one Feb 26th 2016 – over 250 people lining up at the door.

Going Global
While Bristol is not quite Munich, the show attracts an increasing number of foreign visitors, both trade and press. Overseas visitors came from 21 countries this year: Austria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, U.A.E and the USA.
The Clarity Show Awards 2018
Clarity again held their Awards ceremony on Friday and we are delighted to report, that this year Audio T was given the Honorary Fellowship in recognition of our contribution to the UK Hi-Fi Industry in putting the Show on year after year, giving all our exhibitors a platform to show their wares to both UK and foreign visitors and trade.
“Best Sounding Hi-Fi Room’         – Astin Trew
“Best Home Cinema Room”          – Karma AV
“Best Presented Room”                – Quad
“Best Innovation”                        – Roon Nucleus
“Overall Best of Show”                 – Dynaudio
“Honorary Fellowship”.                 – Audio T
Into the 4th Decade
So Bristol continues its 4th decade as the UK’s prime show and followed the broader market with good quality Hi-Fi brands being the majority of exhibitors booked. A huge thank you to the many exhibitors who have emailed us their delight with the Show this year and, for now, we look forward to welcoming you all back in 2019, and we will be in touch again once we have pricing from the hotel.
And here are a few comments from exhibitors:
Luke Milnes, Wilson Benesch
“We just wanted to thank you both and all the Audio T team for delivering yet another fine edition of ‘Sound & Vision’. We were delighted with the attendance throughout the show. Furthermore, we would like to echo the sentiments of many other industry professionals by reflecting that the audience was increasingly populated by new faces, younger faces and many with a serious interest in what we were presenting.”
Steve Rowland, Michell Engineering
“It was a jam-packed show for us, Friday being possibly the busiest day since I have been involved.  There was a definite positive, upbeat feel with everyone on Sunday.  A great weekend, good job it wasn’t this weekend as things might have been very different.  Didn’t get chance to say hello at the show but a great job done.”
David Brook, MCRU
“Just a quick thanks again for a truly superb show, a wonderful effort and thanks for all involved. See you next year.”
Mike Picanza, Spendor Audio Systems:
“I just wanted to thank you on our behalf for delivering a great show. The attendance for Friday and Saturday was excellent, and even on Sunday, there was a steady stream over the day. Maybe being on the ‘British Loudspeaker corridor’ helped? And no question in my mind keeping all corridors free of clutter and additional signage worked far better, looked much more professional and made people use the Show Guide – which is the whole point.”
Anne Duhig-Reader, Nu Nu Distribution:

“Dropping you a quick email to say thank you, thank you, thank you for putting on such a great Show again this year. Both our rooms were consistently busy, we saw a lot of new faces and generated a great deal of interest that will keep us busy during March at least.  Whatever you are doing don’t stop as it is obviously working.  Looking forward to next year!”

You can read Hifi Pig’s coverage of the show with loads of photographs here.


The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing - Newcastle
Paul Draper – The Caves, Edinburgh

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