IsoAcoustics give one of the best and most convincing dems that we have seen at a show. Check it out for yourselves!
Paul Morrison of IsoAcoustics tells us more: “Our room will feature an A/B demo of our GAIA Titans with 2 pairs of Focal Scala Utopia’s. Visitors will be able to hear the difference the GAIA’s make for themselves. Equipment will all be NAIM electronics. We will also be showing a new product called Delos, which is a plinth with our isolators built in. We will have a turntable sitting on the Delos in the room. The maple version will be shipping in the next month or so and the walnut version later this summer. We will also be showing the new F1 Speaker jack designed to lift heavy speakers to install the GAIA Titans”.
IsoAcoustics are in 4.2 F210
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