Eighteen years have passed since AirTight introduced the original ATM-211 SET Power Amplifier, in 2001, to celebrate the beginning of the new millennium. Since then, the Japanese tube amp brand has released the120W Triode Tube Push-Pull Power Amplifier, the ATM-3211.

It took them five years of R&D and engineering works to achieve it, and, using all know-how and expertise accumulated from the development of the ATM-3211, AirTight is introducing a completely redesigned new 211 SET Monoblock Amplifier ATM-2211.

211 Triode Tube

AirTight says: “We focused on maximum and stable output power from a single 211 triode tube while preserving unparalleled fascinating characteristics of 211 Triode Tube. External looks of the ATM-2211 succeed its predecessor`s design, but circuitry of the ATM-2211 is completely renovated. We decided to have independent power transformers for Low voltage and High voltage to assure stable power supply as well as preventing interference. For fine texture and deeper sound stage, we took the same approach as our ATM-300R amplifier on Negative Feed-Back (NFB). Instead of the common method of taking the NFB from the secondary side of the output transformer, we are taking it from the plate of the 211 tube. This technique involves the handling of very high voltages to 1st amplification circuit and requires precise engineering and careful selection of components. As a result of the new design, ATM-2211 offers bigger 32W output, tighter base sound, and bigger sound stage”.

New Features

New features in the AirTight ATM-2211 include 4 and 8ohms speaker outputs, XLR input in addition to RCA input, and a new accurate bias meter. The ATM-221 is able to use various kinds of 211 tubes such as UV-211 (max plate loss 75W) and VT-4C (max plate loss 100W).

AirTight ATM-221 Specifications

SET Monoblock Power Amplifier

Tubes Incorporated : 1 x 211, 1 x 12AX7, 1 x 12BH7

Rated Output : 32W/1kHz/THD3%/VT-4C

Frequency Response : 20Hz~40kHz(-3dB)

Input : Unbalanced RCA(100kΩ) Balanced XLR(10kΩ) 2nd Pin HOT Power Consumption : 250VA

Speaker Output : Low (4Ω), High(8Ω) (16Ω out can be selected as option) Dimensions : 400(W) ×330(D) × 240(H) mm Weight : 30kgs

The AirTight ATM-2211 will begin shipping in the first quarter of 2020, price TBC

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