The Antelope Zodiac DAC uses Antelope’s own 64-bit Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) and Oven Controlled Clocking which are said to bring pro audio standards to the home hifi user.
Hifi News, Hifi Reviews, AND MUCH MORE
The Antelope Zodiac DAC uses Antelope’s own 64-bit Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) and Oven Controlled Clocking which are said to bring pro audio standards to the home hifi user.
The Zodiac Platinum, features a 256X upsampling mode where DSD64 and DSD128 are upsampled to DSD256 which Antelope say will deliver new standards in accuracy, transparency, imaging, and dynamics. The…
A lot of interesting audio equipment is coming out of Eastern Europe at the moment. Hifi Pig has been reviewing and featuring several items from Poland recently, and now it's…
The Total DAC is a French made digital to analogue converter which is said to use only components that have been selected by rigorous listening tests as well as “specific…
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