14. June 2022 · Comments Off on Auden Distribution At North West Audio Show 2022 · Categories: Hifi News, Hifi Shows, North West Audio Show · Tags: , , , , , , ,


Auden Distribution will bring some fantastic HiFi brands to Cranage this weekend, including the first UK showing of the new made-in-Memphis EgglestonWorks Viginti loudspeakers.

Auden Distribution At North West Audio Show 2022


This is the first UK HiFi show featuring EgglestonWorks since Auden took the distribution of the brand just prior to the pandemic. To mark this occasion, the EgglestonWorks Viginti stars in the main Auden system. Featuring 2 x 10” bass drivers, 2 x 6” mid-range drivers and a 1” HF unit and weighing in at 115kgs each, NWAS 22 is the first showing in the UK of this loudspeaker. Driven by the Hegel H590 and fed by a four-piece Auralic source, the system is as always, connected by Audiomica cables, the power and isolation products are from MusicWorks, and the furniture is from Lateral Audio Stands.

Auden Distribution At North West Audio Show 2022

The EgglestonWorks Viginti makes its UK debut at the show


On display in the Bell suite, Bill and the team from Auden will have the Hegel range of integrated amplifiers and the V10 phono stage, Argon models and Krypton from Amphion, the new Artisan models from EgglestonWorks, and the CAAS Audio pre and mono amplifiers.

Auden Distribution At North West Audio Show 2022

The Hegel H590


In room 203 Auden have a smaller scale system featuring the Hegel V10 and H120 fed by a Rega P8 and driving Amphion Argon 1. Bill Leigh tells us “It is a great combo which never fails to surprise us with how good it is when we set it up”.


Auden Distribution will be in the Bell suite as usual but this year also in room 203.

See you at the show, reserve your FREE tickets by clicking the banner below!

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