13. March 2023 · Comments Off on AUDIO SHOW DELUXE 2023 – DEFINITIVE AUDIO · Categories: Hifi News, Hifi Shows · Tags: ,

DEFINITIVE AUDIO will be exhibiting at this year’s Audio Show Deluxe which will take place on Saturday 25th, and Sunday 26th March at Whittlebury Park, Northamptonshire, a stone’s throw from the famous Silverstone race circuit.

Definitive Audio tells us that its unique approach to designing complete audio systems has won friends and admirers the world over for the past 30 years. We have a system-centred holistic approach that celebrates musical performance rather than the equipment.

It may be an old adage, but it is as true as it has ever been – a great system is more than the sum of its parts. It should transcend sound, leaving the listener in a blissful state of musical immersion.

The system we are showing at AUDIO SHOW DELUXE will be no exception. It will comprise:

Grand Prix Audio Monaco V2.0 turntable with Kuzma Safir 9 tonearm and Kuzma CAR 50 cartridge with Consolidated Audio Copper Nano Monster Can transformer. Yummy!

Kuzma Stabi M turntable with 4P14 tonearm, Kuzma CAR 60 cartridge with Consolidate Audio Silver Nano Monster Can transformer. Also Yummy!

SJS Model 3 premier Phono stage. SJS Model 7 Silver Premier Line stage. SJS Model 5 Silver Enhanced 300B power amplifier. Hand-built electronics, designed with love, passion and serious expertise.

Living Voice R80 loudspeakers. The first showing of this long-awaited new design, evolved over 4 years. The R80 combines the musical coherence and artistic sensitivity of the OBX-RW4 with the visceral thrill and commanding authority of the Vox Olympian.Living Voice R80 Loudspeaker

Living Voice G2 equipment supports. A careful balance of energy dissipation and energy isolation, with an organic and human sound.

Living Voice Pure Music battery Power Supply system. 600 Ah of pure and uncorrupted energy.

We are greatly looking forward to the weekend, hoping to seeing lots of familiar face and making sure that we have a great deal of fun.

To find out more about what promises to be the Audio Event of the Year in the UK click the DEFINITIVE AUDIO image below.

FiiO K9 Pro ESS Desktop Headphone Amp/DAC
AXPONA 2023 Ear Gear Experience

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