All the exhibitors have put a great deal of effort into their rooms and pretty much every room was using room treatment of some kind…and this showed in the quality of the sound in most rooms…we really struggled to make a decision on which room would win the Hifi Pig loves you award, the standard was that high. However, the room that really stood out for both Linette and myself was Gobel High End. When we retired to the bar for a well earned drink and to cast our votes, both of us immediately said this room was the best connect to the music emotionally. We both literally had goose-bumps in the room…but then Jeff Buckley’s version of Hallelujah is rather brilliant! The Göbel “bending wave loudspeakers” really were dazzlingly and natural sounding. Not cheap at €115 000 but really very, very good indeed.
A very special mention to Voxativ who came a very close runner up!!!
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