08. March 2022 · Comments Off on AudioSolutions Job Vacancies · Categories: Hifi News · Tags: , , , , ,


AudioSolutions, the Lithuanian loudspeaker manufacturer based in the capital city of Vilnius, have two employment positions available, with training, to women fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Gediminas Gaidelis, the founder of AudioSolutions told us: “We are offering two job positions for women running from the war in Ukraine. We will teach you what we do and how we do it. All you need is enthusiasm and a will to work”.

To find out more contact AudioSolutions directly [email protected]

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AudioSolutions Virtuoso B Standmount Speakers

AudioSolutions is a loudspeaker manufacturer based in Lithuania

Ми пропонуємо дві вакансії для жінок, які біжать від війни в Україні. Ми навчимо вас, що ми робимо і як ми це робимо. Все, що вам потрібно – це ентузіазм і бажання працювати.

Запитуйте через месенджер або безпосередньо на [email protected] Ми знаходимося у столиці Вільнюса, Литва.

Audiosolutions job vacancies

HiFi Pig Says: If you are a HiFi company that is helping the victims of the war in Ukraine, get in touch and we will help spread the word.


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