Monitor Audio, Roksan and Audioquest.
Sonus faber loudspeakers.
The unmistakable D’Agostino Master Systems amplification (you can read an interview with Dan D’Agostino along with lots more here). Also in the Paragon Sight and Sound room were dCS (conversion), Harmonic Resolution Systems (racks), Transparent Audio (cables) and Wilson Audio loudspeakers.

In the second of the Paragon rooms, we have Clearaudio turntables, dCS, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Rogers High Fidelity valve amp and pre, Transparent Audio and Wilson speakers again.
Prima Luna are introduced their new EVO range of valve electronics at AXPONA 2019. The range includes the EVO 100 Tube DAC at $2899 which Prima Luna claim has “the world’s first tube-based data clocking device: the SuperTubeClock”.To either side we have the preamplifier on the right and the power amp on the left.
PS Audio showed the AN3 speaker prototypes, PS’ first loudspeaker, based upon the work of Arnie Nudell. The AN3 is projected to retail at $12,000-$15,000 per pair. The AN series will eventually feature three models, of which the AN3 will be the smallest and least expensive. The AN3s will be followed, logically, by the AN2 and AN1.
The PS Audio System included:
Paul McGowan’s hand-tweaked Mac Mini as source
PS Audio DirectStream DAC ( US MSRP $5999)
PS Audio BHK Signature Preamplifier (US MSRP $5999)
PS Audio BHK Signature 300 Mono Amplifiers, x 2 (US MSRP $7499 each)
PS Audio P20 Power Plant Regenerators x 2 (US MSRP $9999 each)
PS Audio P15 Power Plant Regenerator (US MSRP $7499)
PS Audio AN3 Loudspeakers (Prototypes; probable delivery Q4/19, projected US MSRP $12-15,000/pair)
Miscellaneous PS Audio Power chords.
The Mag Lev Audio ML1 turntable with the floating platter.
Music Hall turntables.
Wynn Audio with Crystal Cable Arabesque speakers costing around $20K being driven by their CCi integrated with the CD player being the magnificent Kallista Dreamplay I.
Tien Audio turntables looking very colourful.
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