The headphone show CanJam Europe took place last weekend, although we could not be there ourselves, it sounds like it was once again a great success, reinforcing it’s international status. Exhibitors from Israel, USA, Singapore, China, Serbia, Italy, Great Britain and several other countries presented their 111 brands to around 1,000 visitors from all over Europe and beyond. Read on for pictures and more info on who won those ‘Best In Show’ Awards.
For the first time in Berlin, the specialised fair for headphones and personal audio was a little smaller this year than last time in Essen, but with a way more international audience. “We are satisfied with the first appearance at the new location. The location in the Berlin music hotel nhow has proven itself and offers a lot of growth potential for the coming years.“, summarised Juliane Thümmel from the organisers KMS event. A larger area is already booked for next year.
Expert speakers such as Axel Grell from Sennheiser, Gunter Weidemann from Beyerdynamic and Bernd Kopin from cooperation partner Mimi and Eckhard Beste from Hearsafe, spoke in the lecture program of CanJam Europe on topics such as personalised audio and gentle listening with In-Ear headphones.
Among the product highlights were the 3D printer headphone project of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, the comparison of the Sennheiser giants HE1 and Orpheus worth EUR 50,000 each and the Hifiman Shangri-La for the same price. There were plenty of very new products on show like the Ultrasone Edition 15, Beyerdynamic Aventho, the Etymotic ER3 series and the long awaited highres player and streamer from Chord Electronics, The Poly. Another crowd-puller was the MySphere 3.1, unofficial successor to the legendary AKG K1000 from the former AKG developers.
The CanJam visitors selected their favourites from the products in six categories to vote for their ‘Best In Show’. They are as follows:
best headphone portable: Beyerdynamic Aventho
best headphone home: Sennheiser HD 800 S
best headphone amplifier: Lehmann Audio Linear
best source (DAC or Player): Chord Hugo 2
best accessories: Effect Audio Ares II+ AND Sonarworks True-Fi Software
best product of show overall: Sennheiser HD 660 S
CanJam Europe will expand its program in 2018 and takes place twice. In cooperation with the High End Society, the CanJam Europe takes place for the first time in Munich – coinciding with the world’s largest hifi fair, High End Munich 2018, from 10.-13. May 2018. In November 2018 the European headphone meeting takes place in Berlin again.
Pictures by Jeanette Dobrindt for CanJam Europe 2017
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