In the rush towards the new-fangled format of CD I, many moons ago, sold all my vinyl. At that time I owned a record shop and was DJing on the radio, at clubs and at parties pretty much fulltime and as such I was getting promotional records sent almost every day. As a result of this we had a room that was dedicated to my turntables and of course my records. There was a good few thousand and they were stacked in long rows against the wall with no particular filing system at all. Once I decided to move on from DJing and sold the record shop the logical thing to do, or so I thought at the time, was to sell all the records. Top tip, kids…DON’T DO IT!! As soon as I’d got the cheque I realised I’d done a very stupid thing and years later I would look on Hard To Find Records and more recently Discogs only to find any of the promos and 12” records I owned were now worth a small fortune – we’re talking being able to pop out and splurge on a relatively luxurious car, but I digress.
It’s that time of year again, Christmas and New Year celebrations are over and everyone is getting back to work. We have had a brilliant year at Hifi Pig Towers, including plenty of traveling all over the world to find the most interesting and best Hifi for you, our readers. Of course none of this would be possible without the ever growing core team of Pigsters, our exceptionally talented and knowledgeable writers and reviewers. Team Hifi Pig and every Hifi Pig reader out there, we salute you! More »
Linette’s views on ‘What not to do’ when exhibiting at a Hifi Show. More »
Digital, Digital, Digital. It is everywhere and now every manufacturer across all HiFI verticals appears to be jumping into the fray regardless of their history/pedigree or lack thereof. There’s a line “fools rush in, where ….” More »
‘An image is one thing and a human being is another.’ – Elvis Presley More »
I put a poll up on the Audiophiles UK. Hi-Fi and Music Facebook page the other day asking which cables members thought made most difference in a system and someone added options for magic mushrooms, certain green Dutch products and booze and so this naturally got me thinking about the connections between music and drugs and their origins. Note, I’m not suggesting anyone takes any drug that is not prescribed by a doctor in any way! Drugs are BAD, Ok kids? More »
To cry “SELL-OUT!” is to wield a brand of red-hot iron. To press it sizzling painfully against the skin of a human performer like it was the skin of a cow. To spell out in two simple words just who the masters are and who is the dancing monkey. More »
Michael Howell is Hifi Pig’s latest sometime contributor. In the first of his ‘semioccasional’ articles he tells us how he came to love music and what it means to him…there’s a few recommendations in here too. More »
Linette talks about Formula One, Salami and piccalilli sandwiches, beer, pop and yes, Hifi. More »
Janine Elliot continues her RetroBites series of articles, where she looks at classic audio and Hifi, with the classic QUAD 405 current dumping amplifiers. More »
It goes by many names; Christgau called it “skronk.” Bangs called it “horrible noise.” You probably call it “hipster shit.” More »
Since there have been Gods, there have been worshippers. And since there have been worshippers, there have been Gods… More »
Ladies and gentlemen; the root of the problem…
More »
In the midst of Saturday afternoon photography walkabout in North London (UK), my companion for the walk started laying out his idea for a music documentary recounting 1971 as the pre-eminent year and put into evidence the records which debuted to support his claim. Instinctively, I countered with 1977 and after a good while, and a lot of his assertions, I remained intransigent, fixed in the notion that the latter year reigns supreme. If I’m honest, neither of us were then or now going to back down from our respective positions on the subject. More »
Tech’ Paranoia takes over at Hifi Pig Towers and Linette Smith thinks ‘The Three Laws” are optional extras in the robots’ optical sensors. More »
Janine Elliot continues her fascinating RetroBites series, this time focusing on reel to reel and cassette tapes and in particular the British brands NEAL and Ferrograph. More »
James Fleming has opinions and uses “language” and today addresses the “Love Generation”. You have been warned! More »
James Fleming gets hit by a glitter-coated brick and finds he is not alone! More »
New Hifi Pig correspondent from over the pond David Blumenstein launches his regular column “Transatlantic Dispatches: A New World Disorder” with a search for an non-audiophile turntable that works well, but doesn’t break the piggy bank. More »
February is often seen as a romantic month with loved-up people the world over spending exorbitant amounts of money on Valentines Day flowers, cards, dinners out and gifts for their significant other. For many audiophiles though, the love of their life is not made of flesh and blood but has an aircraft-grade aluminium chassis, a nice set of beryllium tweeters and carbon fibre curves…one thing they do have in common with a human love, is they certainly get plenty of cash lavished on them. More »
Self destruction and rock and roll seem to go hand in hand….or is that the myth that we want to believe? More »
Linette Smith gives her final round up of what a Bird’s Eye View of the Hifi world has been like in 2016.
Cheerful as ever Stuart Smith makes a list of musicians that have died in 2016 and asks, was this the year that the music really did die? More »
Janine Elliot charts the rise and fall and rise again of the Thermionic Tube/valve in this fascinating and informative article. More »
So You want To run A Record Label – Here’s How
So You want to launch your own record label but don’t have the funds, don’t have the know how and frankly haven’t a clue where to start? Hifi Pig has a chat with Serial Bowl Records, a label collective based in Sunderland in the North East of England to get the low down. More »