01. August 2022 · Comments Off on Chord Company ChorAlloy · Categories: Hifi News · Tags: , , , , ,


Chord Company is progressively upgrading a number of its cables’ connectors with its new ChorAlloy plating technology.

Chord Company ChorAlloy


ChorAlloy is a multi-metal plating technology that the British cable brand says provides a significant upgrade over their previous silver plating and marks a major step forward in connector performance. Chord tell us that benefits include much lower intermodulation, full solderability and crucially, a tarnish-free finish.


Chord Company technicians previously identified the detrimental effects of tarnish (silver sulphide Ag2S) in silver connector plugs, noting Ag2S can give rise to intermodulation effects at high frequencies, which led to the development of the ChorAlloy project.

Chord Company ChorAlloy

Chord Company ChorAlloy is currently being rolled out on many of their cables


The new ChorAlloy-plated connectors/plugs are already rolling out of the Wiltshire factory and are available on the VEE3 and PTFE RCA/phono connectors, ChordOhmic speaker connectors (spade and 4mm banana), USB types A and B and now, BNC connectors along with DIN/XLR connecting pins. C-series, HDMI and streaming cables, plus mini-jack connectors remain unchanged.

HiFi Pig Says: Chord Company never seem to stand still and are a brand that is at the forefront of new technology.


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