Chord Electronics is set to launch a new reference-level product at High End, Munich. The new device will be revealed to invited guests* by John Franks and Rob Watts at 6pm on the opening day of the show. “Its introduction will mark the end of an era for one of Chord’s best-loved devices, but will showcase Chord Electronics’ extraordinary capability in high-end digital audio” says the company’s recent press release.
The Kent-based company is hosting its biggest-ever High End this year. In addition to its now familiar atrium-located demonstration room, Chord will have dynamic product displays and meeting room facilities in a suite shared with its German distributor, G8 and friends.
Attendees to the two Chord rooms will get the chance to experience the new 2Qute DAC, Chord’s flagship Reference system, a full Choral system, plus see and hear the new Hugo TT and Hugo. Many more key products will also be available, including the new CPM 2800 MkII.
Room C122 in Atrium 3 will have Hugo TT and Hugo demo stations, plus key Chord team members including John Franks, and for Thursday and Friday, Rob Watts will also be present. Room F104 in Atrium 4 will have a full Reference system on demonstration.
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