Dutch audio event 2024 report part 1

It barely seems a year ago that we were here in Eindhoven for the last Dutch Audio Event, but after a days travel on planes, trains, and automobiles, though not in that order, here we are again for what has always been an excellent show, here is the HiFi PiG Dutch Audio Event Report Part 1, from Stu and Lin.

We would like to thank Caspar and all the show organisation team, and the guys from HiFi.NL and of course our coverage sponsors, Electrocompaniet, who were represented at the show by their new distributor ERCT.



We arrived late on Friday evening, grabbed dinner with the GIK (G.I.K. not GIK, I was reliably informed) boys and then got a good night’s kip before starting the day’s work of getting around his massive event. And it is a massive event! The hotel is an old religious order’s building and it’s sprawling, though signposting is excellent and you do get your bearings eventually. Breakfast was eaten, old friends were met and off we go for the Dutch Audio Event 2024. 

Even at 9:30, half an hour before opening, there was a queue forming outside the main entrance. People were met by the HiFi.NL reps, given a very nice and glossy show guide and bag and off we set. This kind of welcome at shows is important and I think this can be overlooked at some events we’ve been to but that first impression is important and and sets the tone for the rest of the weekend. Another thing I notices about the Dutch Audio Event and that was lots of ”CREW” in orange (obviously) tee shirts who were very helpful in guiding us and others around the show. 

McIntosh and Sonus faber

As good a way to start the day as any, I suppose and given we were lucky enough to have been invited to the McIntosh house in New York this felt like a bit of a homecoming. What’s not to like with these icons of the high-end audio world. The Stradivari were being powered by MC1.25KW amps and a C12000 preamplifier, the MT10 turntable along with the GRIMM 2S network streamer. The smaller system was the ROTEL MiCHI x5, the MT 2 turntable from McIntosh and the world premiere of the Sonus faber Concertino speakers which are 3D printed and very cook. The outers are vegan leather which I approve of! The new speakers are 6000 Euros. The speakers are made of cork that is 3D printed. This tech comes from the Supreme and the inside is printed so as to get rid of standing waves. Interesting technology and in novel products. There was also the Sonetto 3 (2249) and 8 (3749) G2 speakers from Sonus faber with a lute shaped design with a concrete base that holds a downward-firing woofer The mid is called the Chamelia that is white with no paint and has “cutouts” that widen the frequency range and stops distortion. 

Very Fine Solutions

Not a bad second stop of the day either…and at 10:15 the room was already rammed with pretty much standing room only. The Bitter Earth by Joy Denalane and Daniel Hope was playing when we went in the room and this sounded excellent – very clean, very distortion-free and all together a sound I could certainly get on with. 

The full system was Pilium Ares power amplifier with Achiles preamp, Magico A5s, an Antipodes Oladra music server and, Igikai Kinzan line cables. 

Very Fine Solutions always dress their rooms very nicely and the addition of flowers was a very nice touch.

D and D Audio

YG Acoustics Haley 3.2 speakers fronted the system with Devialet 250 amps configured as a master and a slave. The Innuos Statement NG server provided the digital front end of this excellent sounding system. We are only three rooms into the Dutch Audio Event and the standard is already very high and bodes very well fort the rest of the show. The cables in the system were the Crystal Cables Monet speaker cables and the rest were Siltech Single Crown mains cables and the block was the Siltech Octopus Mono X.

432 Evo

This system was excellent last year and it was again this year. This year the focus was on 432 EVO’s Roon compatible AEON server and the 432 OS operating system. Speakers were the Amphion Argon 7LS floorstanders and 3LS standmounts.

If you don’t know 432 EVO then you should read our review of their server as it’s a bit of a departure from the norm based on the 432 frequency. There’s loads written about why this frequency should sound better and the algorithm that Frederic uses (in real time) certainly does something to the music you are listening to. It’s a very eerie sensation and you do feel connected to the music you are listening to. We got to listen to Killing Dragons again – the tune that made me weep last year, and immediately on hearing it again the goosebumps were there again. I also like how this room is dressed and has a chilled vibe that helps you relax into the tunes. Readers will know that I’m no tech-head and frankly, I don’t care about the tech so long as it works and this does work on the brain somehow! You should check 432 Evo out if you get the opportunity! The little Amphion speakers worked very well in this room and I think a good choice was made relative to the size of the room. 

Terason Audio

All Esoteric, PMC and Grimm in this room. However, we got to hear the PMC Active Twenty5 24i (9799) and a Grimm Audio MU2 (17990) streamer that made for a very compelling sounding system with just speakers and one box – perfect for those that aren’t box collectors. 

The other system in this room was the PMC IB2 SE (31K) Esoteric F-01 integrated amplifier, S-05 power amplifier, Grandiose T1 turntable, K-03XD SE CD player, N-05XD streamer DAC, G-05 master clock, PS01F power supply and a Grimm Audio PW1 phono stage. 

Outside the room was the latest RADIA electronics from ARCAM, the first phase of which we saw launched at this show last year. 

Some of the static displays we saw in this part of the show.


Dutch distributor Mafico was BUSY showing off Final speakers and Bryston electronics in one room along with an Audio Note UK system in the other. 

The Bryston electronics we know well, but the speakers are a fairly new one on me. Good sounding room with a very clean and fast sound that was obviously a hit with the gathered throng. 

The other room was set up very cleverly with a Harbeth, AVM and Chord Electronics system firing one way and the Audio Note UK firing the other way. The Bergmann turntable uses the innovative and much lauded DS Audio optical cartridge. 

Reference Sounds

The standard is high at this year’s Dutch Audio Event and a quick stroll through the very busy marketplace had is in the Reference Audio room with D’Agostino integrated Momentum MXV into Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 50th Anniversary edition and the stream is the WADAX Studio player. High-end prices and high-end sounds. Lovely! 

HiFi Rose, Piega, T+A and Inakustik

A couple of systems were set up but nothing initially playing when we dodged into this room but there was lots of static displays too with helpful staff on hand to answer any questions. The system did start playing and was a full T + A set-up. Now when I say a full system, this was a one box and a pair of speakers system in the shape of the R 2500 R, the latest all-in-one from the German brand. You get 2 x 250 W a side plus DAC, plus PM and DAB tuner, CD driver and a generation 3 streamer. The speakers are the new Criterion S230 (there is a bigger S240) transmission line speakers that go down to 28Hz. I do like this move in some circles for a one-box solution to audio – it’s “lifestyle” (often a dirty word in audiophile circles) but lifestyle done properly. The one-box solution makes a lot of sense for those who don’t want, or can’t accommodate a gazillion and one boxes. However, should you want to go down the many-box solution, T + A can sort you with this too. 

More Music 

Speakers are the Estelon Diamond, Moon amps and Pre, A dCS Vivaldi and an N30SR Aurender streamer. Cabling was by Shunyata. This was a very nicely put-together room with a cool but welcoming vibe to it. Music was played at a great volume too…not too loud and not too quiet. The more I sit in front of this brand’s loudspeakers, the more I appreciate what a great sound they bring to the party. Nice folk too! 

Other kit in the room was by Pass Labs, Finite Element, and Bassocontinuo. 

The Audio Specialists 

The Audio Specialists were showing of a whole range of kit but what caught my attention were these very interesting speakers from Zeiler who did the electronics too. The Zeiler preamp and Zeilar amps were being powered by the HiFI Rose streamer and Holborn turntables. The Zeiler (Swiss) brand was launched at Munich 2022 and I love the design of the amps – very minimal with a very Braun feel. All the products are Swiss-made without compromise. The black speakers are the SP-01 (30K ish in high gloss and 4K less for a matt finish), a dual concentric 97dB sensitive speaker with 8Ohm sensitivity so you can run it with pretty much any amplifier. I spoke to the owner (Ralf Zeiler) who was very passionate about his designs. In the UK they are represented by Symphony Distribution who also do Tannoy in the UK. 

In the other part of the room were the massive flagship Tannoy Westminster and Zeiler Electronics.


Best known for headphones, Sennheiser were showing off a soundbar with a pair of subs. Soundbars get a bit of a bad rep, but I get them and they are an important part of how many people access their music and films. This was a good sound playing the inevitable Top Gun. 


Proudly made in Berlin, Voxativ were showing off their 805 integrated amplifier and new speakers in the form of the Alberich bass module with Hagen monitors on top. Ordinarily, you would get just one of the Hagen monitors, but here and in “kind of prototype” mode we got treated to three Hagen monitors on top of the Alberich module. The Alberich will go down to 20Hz. The 5” single drivers are an interesting concept that doesn’t have crossovers…I like the idea of stacking these in this manner! 

Audio Technica

I’m make no apology for liking the point where home audio and pro audio collide and that’s what we have in this room. Genelec speakers fronted this system that sounded very nice. 


Big televisions showing that this show is about home entertainment! 

Highend Music

Busy in this room with Triangle speakers, Pro-Ject turntables and Musical Fidelity electronics. 

Sangean HiFi

More lifestyle products in this room and we got to hear the DDR-75BT that has DAB, FM, Internet, CD, SD, AUX all in one box…with speakers. I sat down and had to do a double take as to what was playing.For many, this be will all they need to enjoy their music collection, wherever it comes from. 


ERCT are the new Dutch distributor of Electrocompaniet and at the Dutch Audio Event we got to hear the AMG Viella Forte turntable with a Goldenberg cartridge and Electrocompaniet phono ECP-2, EC4.8 MK2 preamplifier, the mono AW300M amps and the EMC 1Mk5 CD player, the network player and DAC was the ECM1 MK2 and speakers were the Von Schweikert V55 special edition Mk2. Another excellent system. 

Audio Reference

It’s half noon at the Dutch Audio Event and it’s getting busier and busier and if there’s one thing I’ve noticed so far (and this is a bugbear of mine the world over) is that folk like to loiter in doorways rather than going full into the room – get in there people! Anyway, this room was a bit of a treat with ATC speakers and amplifiers, and associated Mutec and Benchmark electronics. 

AudioQuest and GoldenEar

Whatever show you go to and wherever in the world you are, the Audioquest and GoldenEar room has a distinct style – all red and black. These guys know how to do branding very well! 

The system in here was t66 for the surround and fronts, a SuperCenter fro the central speaker. Mid surrounds were HTR8000s, ATMOS highs were the Invisa 850s and the subs were the SuperSub XXls. The surround amp was the Primare SPA 26. 

Before some quite nice violin music we got to hear (and see) Roger Waters playing The Wall…and very good it was too. 

Yamaha Music Systems

Another really well-branded room with two systems set up, one with PMC speakers and the other a full Yamaha set up comprising a R-N2000A amp, NS800A and NS2000A speakers. 

Mafico (again)

Now this was very cool! A full cinema experience with an M & K speaker and amplifier system, proper cinema seats and even popcorn…oh, and a bloody massive screen.


Food was needed and food was both hunted and gathered. -tofu satay and rice for those interested. I loved this idea of a proper food court at Dutch Audio Event. The food was excellent and reasonably priced. A great addition to the show and one I’d like to see copied at shows in the UK in the future. A lovely space in which to eat and regroup our thoughts. 

Well fed (remarkably so) it was back to work and a very nice area filled with Canton, Mission, Leak, Audiolab, Wharfedale, Audio Pro and Pro-Ject.

GIK Acoustics

GIK had a wide selection of their acoustic panels on display in the same area as last year, lit by lovely stained glass. Lukas was also giving seminars on room treatment which were very well received.


Next door was a Sennheiser headphone listening area.

Quad Raad

SoulNote electronics with some unknown loudspeakers – turns out they were Medalic Acoustics made by Cyriel Hoenen. 

Good sounding room playing some opera. 


The Kii Sevens are apparently “flying off the shelves” and I really do get why! They are small, fully integrated (just add a source) and away you go. Fast, deep and with great sound staging. Again, this kind of pro-meets-home concept really works. About 9K euros a pair which seems very reasonable and that includes stands, controller and tax. Even in this relatively large room they didn’t struggle at all! In Q4 of this year Kii are expecting full Roon certification so they can also run as a Roon endpoint…even better! 

Reference Sounds

Reference Sounds were showcasing JBL, a system that included JBL speakers (of course) but also JBL electronics and turntable. The Multimedia Amp from 550 euros looks to be an excellent product at a great price. The top of the range is 1900 euros and was partnered with JBL Stage 2 280F (1398 euros).

Aspera Audio

A full PS audio system including the FR 8 standpoint speakers that are now shipping. PS Audio are getting a healthy fanbase in the UK and I really do get why this should be. Sensible volume levels in this room at Dutch Audio Event ensured a great sound. Played Nothing Else Matters by Scala and Kolancy Brothers which was remarkably chilled before we got a somewhat  dodgy dub version of Roxanne (Police) called DubXanne from Berlin. Actually, it wasn’t dreadful and the system certainly played dub reggae well. 

Pure Audio Project

I really do have a soft spot for this open baffle speaker project and I’ve never heard them sound anything but excellent, whatever the room. At the Dutch Audio Event the speakers (here with a ribbon tweeter) were partnered with AGD electronics which famously use Gallium Nitride tech in their circuits. I’ve heard these a few times now and with different speakers and I’ve always liked what I’ve heard – they are fast and detailed and they work very well with the Pure Audio Project speakers which are fast and detailed too. This is the first time I’ve heard these speakers with a ribbon tweeter (if I recall correctly) but it does add a good degree of airiness to the top end reproduction of these speakers. Antonio Forcione Quartet sounded magnificent on this system, just as he did at last year’s Audio Show Deluxe where he played live. 

Rike Audio

We got a presentation of some esoteric brass doodads that look llike prayer bowls and cymbals. The resonators are by High End Novum, though to be honest I was much more interested in the Rike Audio valve amp that we got to listen to. However, something is going on with these doodads and there is a difference in the perception of the music with them in place. I’m very sceptical about this kind of product but I heard a difference and judging by the audience reaction, so did they. I wouldn’t say it was a massive difference and I’ve no idea of price of the products.

Aretai and Bladelius

Aretai speakers I know well, but Bladelius are a relatively new name to me. The Bladelius electronics range from the Oden II integrated amplifier with onboard DAC and steamer module at 17800 euros. There is a Class A integrated too that is the same price and has the same streamer and DAC. There’s the ASK integrated too that comes in at 10K and then you have different pre-power combinations. I haven’t heard one room yet that hasn’t sounded very good indeed and this was no exception. There’s often a load of moaning after a show complaining about the sound achieved by many exhibitors, but so far at the Dutch Audio Even I have been well impressed by both the sounds in the rooms and the efforts exhibitors have gone to to dress their rooms. 


Vonschloo’s tagline is Where Sound Meets Design and these concrete speakers (L10) certainly look the part – possibly one of the nicest-looking speakers I’ve seen, though beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. The speakers are 19K a pair and the amp is 4500 euros. 

Semmaa Audio

Despite playing Simply Red (not my favourite) this new to me brand were making a very good sound. The bigger speakers are the Reality One (38.9K) and the smaller speakers are the Small Reality (8K). The Reality One have three adjustable elements with the idea being to allow for optimal phase behaviour. The big box on the floor next to the speakers is the external crossover. Very nice sounding speakers. 


Last year at the Dutch Audio Event I really thought these speakers were something rather special and this year’s show hasn’t changed my opinion at all. Even in these less-than-ideal circumstances (shows are never a great place to over-analyse systems) the speakers sounded quite spectacular. The Daudio concept is an open baffle (dipole) one, but here it is implemented spectacularly well and the Anette Askvik track, Liberty sounded great. I was particularly taken with the sax sound which sounded very natural…as did the reverbs around the instruments. As natural a sounding system as I’ve ever heard at a show and remarkably fast and agile given the 2 fifteen inch woofers in the speakers we heard at this event. A version of Get Here by Wolfgang Haffner came on next and the vocal presentation was great, despite this not being exactly to my taste music-wise. One of the sounds of the show so far for me! 

Arpeggio Acoustic

The Magnum Opus speakers from Arpeggio Acoustics are 19K euros and are a three-way design that go down to a claimed 35 Hz and weigh just shy of 100KG each. A whole host of Audio Research electronics went before the speakers and all in all it sounded very good. 

DB Module

Module by name and modular by nature. The base speaker (made of concrete) is accompanied by a modular tweeter unit of which there are 6 options including a ribbon module. The idea behind the concrete is so the sound comes from the speaker and not the cabinet. The tweeters differ allow folk to change the sound of the speakers to their taste. Pricing is from 8597 to 10782 euros depending on the tweeter module you choose. You can also change the cables on the back of the speakers and this will affect the price too. Every tweeter has its own crossover network…obviously. 


We’d spotted Canton in the open space near the food court (that seems like an age ago now) but I was pleased to see that they had a dedicated space too where they were paired with Audiolab electronics. Relatively speaking, we are in the realms of affordable audio here but it did sound very good.

Voice Victory and Hypex

Voice Victory make speakers and we got to hear their Labyrinth model at 15K This is a 3 way design with six drivers. The drivers include a 28mm dome tweeter, a 100mm midrange and four 200mm woofers. There are other models available from around 5.5K. The Hypex modules are the modules used in many class D amplifiers and you can buy kits from DIY Class D. We got to hear the Premium speakers which are the smaller speakers in white. 

Hepta Audio

Some people stick in your mind and the guy doing the presentation on the Hepta Audio room is one of those kind of folk. The temporal Coherence speakers were very interesting and very different looking,

And that’s a wrap for today.


So far I have been nothing but impressed by the Dutch Audio Event. The effort made by all the exhibitors is clear and not one of the rooms today was a case of just plonking kit in a room. This is  important – gone are the days where this is acceptable to punters and I’m glad about that and those that persist in thinking it is acceptable to give little thought to a room will get noticed for all the wrong reasons. The show has been busy today but not too hectic that you ever felt crammed into rooms, but also busy enough to feel like you were at a busy event. The venue is great and I like the addition of the food court to the event as one of the moans I had in previous years was the lack of vegan options in the hotel. 

Now click here to read Part 2 of our Dutch Audio Event 2024 Report!

Linette and Stuart Smith

Dutch Audio Event 2024 Report Day 2
Henley Audio Present New Products At The UK Audio Show 2024

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