The Amptastic Mini-1 amplifier is a diminutive little amplifier that costs just £99. Hifi Pig reviewer P1030275_300Jerry enjoyed the company’s previous amplifier a great deal and so it was with a great deal of anticipation that we awaited the delivery of their latest amplifier.

As with the Mini-T, the Mini-1 is based on the superbly transparent TA-2020 chipset. The circuit has been redesigned and refined and better quality components are utilised.  The power supply, too, has been uprated and a 5A wallwart PSU comes as standard.

The TA2020 chip is a popular one, and there are many lower quality copies available at lower cost, but Amptastic use 100% genuine Tripath chips sourced in Europe.

On-board advanced power management has been added to the main circuit board so that the amp is not reliant purely on an external PSU to deliver constant smooth power to the amplifier. The amplifier itself can monitor and cope with very large demands and stores power reserves right next to the TA2020 IC.”

Read the full review of the Amptastic Mini-1 Amplifier

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