Living Voice

The Living Voice room is always impressive. When you are measuring the cost of the system in tens, sorry make that hundreds, of thousands of pounds then you expect to get something super special. This is the highest of the high end and you can’t fail to have a bit of a ‘wow’ moment when you walk in. For a start, just look at them!

This year Living Voice showed their Vox Palladian Basso system. Recognisably Living Voice like their predecessors the Vox Olympian, they had a glorious European walnut satin finish laid in a sunburst motif. The distinctive bronzework was finished in a rich mottled chocolate through an artisanal process of hand patination and Carnauba wax. The quality of the workmanship was stunning and they are hand-built in England. Of course they don’t just pair speakers of this quality with any old electronics. Kondo is a natural partner for them and the electronics were all very high end quality (see kit list and prices below for further info). Taking precision to the next level they even bring their own battery ‘power station’…and they have to bring this all by lorry from the UK, setting off the week before the show, that is dedication for you!

The Living Voice room is always on the top floor of Atrium four, it has become a must see for most show attendees and as a consequence it is always packed. This year however we took the sensible option of visiting on the first day and managed to get a seat. We were not disappointed. Kevin and Lynn Scott are very into music, they always play a lot of classical and opera as Kevin is particular into this genre. Then Kevin but some Dub on, I didn’t know the track but it was just amazing, this high end system was perfectly suited to non classical. It was all a bit goosebumps and chills, music just enveloping you and carrying you away. It has always sounded magical in that room but this was really another, and totally unexpected, level.

There is not much more to say really, we were not the only ones to notice how good it was…we kept bumping into people we know around the show and it was always ‘have you heard Living Voice yet???’. We told everyone we met to go for a listen. Kevin and Lynn are also lovely people, they are very professional, look after their customers and anyone who comes in to their room, they are down to earth and love music. We are very pleased to give them our Hifi Pig Loves You Award and can’t wait to see what they do to top this at High End Munich 2018.

Linette Smith

Thank you. It’s such a thrill to accept this award given the immense competition at the show. We try to create a unique ambience in our room and to push the boundaries of convention; both musically and aesthetically. The Munich Hi-End show is THE place to showcase new products and demonstrate our system developments, and anyone who’s seriously interested in high end audio is there. It’s our job and objective to offer a thrilling and memorable experience to the biggest international audience. We are already planning and looking forward to next year.”

Lynn & Kevin Scott

The System

Living Voice Vox Palladian and Palladian Basso horn loudspeaker system in European Walnut satin finish laid to sunburst motif £450,000

Neodio Origine S2 CD Player £40,000 And Canary CD300LV CD Player £7,500

Kondo Gakuoh 300B mono amplifiers £70,000

Kondo M77 preamplifier £40,000

2 x Living Voice G3 equipment tables £16,000

Assorted Kondo speaker, power and interconnect cables.

Second system

Living Voice OBX-RW3 Piano Black finish £14,000

The Beast music server £35,000 And Canary CD300LV Cd Player £7500

Kondo Kegon Integrated 300B ampflifier £45000 Or Kondo Gakuoh 300B mono amplifiers £70,000

Kondo M77 preamplifier £40,000

Living Voice G8 equipment table £35,000

Assorted Kondo speaker, power and interconnect cables.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of our High End Munich 2017 coverage!






The People Of Munich High End Show 2017
Munich High End Show 2017 Report Part Eight

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