Moon and Martin Logan

I’ve always been a bit of a fan of both these brands and wasn’t disappointed with the room at High end Munich. There’s  natural synergy going on here that works really well to produce a really enjoyable listen. Plenty of air and yet still power aplenty!moon1 moon2

Onda Ligera

Now here was one weird looking pair of speakers that looked like some kind of odd partnering between an open baffle loudspeaker and an insect. The sound wasn’t too shabby though and despite their looks I really enjoyed this room for its powerful bottom end and very nice mids. Not sure I could live with something so visually “challenging though”…though they do produce some more conventional looking loudspeakers.fly1 fly2



Leema’s room was nice and chilled and boy do those little Xen loudspeakers work well. expect a review of these loudspeakers and the Elements CD player in the very near future on Hifi Pig.lEEMA1 leema2 leema3


Portento Audio

Sadly this was only a stand but what lovely people and making products that look exceptionally well put together and at prices that seemed very reasonable to me.poRTENTO1 poTENTO2


Custom Design

From the North East of England Custom Design make lovely looking hifi furniture that is all designed and built in the North East.dustomracjs1



I’ve seen Grimm speakers a lot at the various shows in Europe and what never fails to baffle me is the amount of toe in these speakers are always given… it just doesn’t look like it should work. However, on each and every occasion I’ve heard these speakers I’ve been impressed with their imaging and clarity of sound.grimmm1


Ear Yoshino

Ok, these were a bit of a pig to photograph given their lovely finish but they do look great in the flesh and the sound in this room was one of the best of the show for me. earyosh1 earyosh2


I make no excuse for my liking of these unusual French loudspeakers – they really do not look like they should work at all but they really do. Today they were partnered with a pair of Devialet amps and sounded pretty awesome.leedh1 leedh2



This was a lovely room in which to sit and while away the time for a half hour or so. The team that put this room together managed to pull off a very reasonable sound, along with a really nice ambience that was conducive to sitting and listening to tunes rather than trying to analyse everything.tannoy1 tannoy2 tannoy3



This has to be perhaps the most bling item of audio I’ve ever seen but I can see it being popular with many. Sadly we didn’t get a chance to hear this compact and stylish (beauty is in the eye caveat in place) system.burm01



Living Voice

Went in this room a couple of times and to be honest you can’t help but be impressed with the Vox Olympian. Not only is this speaker system a tour de force in fit and finish but it also sounds absolutely tremendous helped along by the Kondo amplification. I’d love to hear music more to my taste being played but the sheer scale and impact of the sound is awesome whatever is playing. One of my top five speakers on my bucket list!vox01


KEF and Arcam

Always a favourite room for the sheer enthusiasm of the people in it and this year was no exception. The Blade 2 loudspeakers playing when we went in are a tad smaller than their bigger brothers but you would hardly notice it. Also on show were headphones, in ears etc. These companies “get” that not everyone is looking for high-end products and produce kit across the price ranges, with something to suit all pockets.kef02 kefbld2 kefbld023



Bang for buck these speakers have to be up there with the best. Diminutive and yet powerful and accurate sound.




Read all our High End 2015 coverage in one place



Turntables at Munich High End 2015
Harman Luxury At High End Munich

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