A range of “MQA” music, the new hi-res format, will be launched on HIGHRESAUDIO at the HIGH END show in Munich. Customers will find an initial, hand-picked selection of high-quality releases from renowned labels including 2L, Acoustic Music Records, Bauer Studios / Neuklang, Eudora Records, Jazz Arts, Personality Records, Mons Records, Ozella Music and Triplet Records. Other labels and a broader range of recordings will be added in the coming weeks.
The MQA ‘soft launch’ for HIGH END includes 30 albums representing a mix of classical, jazz and acoustic music. Original master files were used as the source for the MQA encoding process.
“HIGHRESAUDIO is all about quality recordings and releases from renowned studios and labels. Now we want to offer our customers a stunning listening experience with MQA, “said Lothar Kerestedjian, CEO of HIGHRESAUDIO. “As an innovative platform and audiophile music service, we feel a duty to support the project of MQA creator Bob Stuart. Hardware manufacturers that have implemented MQA will also benefit,” continued Lothar.
HIGHRESAUDIO will be appearing at the HIGH END trade fair alongside Meridian Audio, Pioneer, Mytek and Bluesound, with manufacturers
showcasing their products with MQA music from HIGHRESAUDIO. Trade discounts and MQA promotions are planned to continue after the show.
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