Polish, High-End Turntable brand, J.Sikora, will be exhibiting their Reference, Standard Max turntable and having the USA premiere of their KV12 tonearm, at RMAF 2019.

J.Sikora’s USA distributor, Notable Audio, who specialise in importing up-and-coming brands into the USA, will be exhibiting in room 3102.

IAlso in the system will be:

Joseph Audio loudspeakers

Doshi Audio electronics

Cardas Audio cables

Mudulum Racks

Berkeley Reference 3 DAC

Aurender’s brand new W20SE $22k server

and Artnovion Acoustic Panels

For all the up to date RMAF 2019 news and show coverage, check out our Rocky Mountain Audio Fest section here.

AudioQuest At Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019
MC Audiotech Launch Forty-10 Full Range Loudspeaker

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