Stupidly we’d left this last floor until the very end of the show and were rushing about like headless chickens because Flemming E. Rasmussen always put on a great room at High End. New for this show was the €6000 Gryphon Sonett phonostage. Sadly as the show was about to close we didn’t get to hear any music which is a real shame and so we’ll be here on the first day at High End Munich 2018.

T + A’s room was an oasis of white calm where they had a whole load of their products on show.

Dali Spektor 6 and their sub certainly moved the air in this AV room.

Uber cool display from Amphion.

BMC electronics and speakers. You can read more about the company’s new amplifiers here.

Time really was running out for us which is a shame as these sounded very interesting. Live Act Audio is headed up by Dieter Molitor and Markuz Reitz and the speakers in front are from their Emotion Line whilst the bigger ones to the rear are 512 from their Reference line of speakers.

Audio Reference is a German distributor of the kind of brands whose names just trip off the tongue of any audiophile… Dan D’agostino (pictured), Sonus Faber, Audio Research, Meridian, Krell and a whole lot more.

High End Munich 2017 – The “Hifi Pig Loves You” Award
Munich High End Show 2017 Report Part Seven

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