
Goldmund used the High End show to highlight their new generation of analogue products and we popped along to meet Michel Reverchon for a glass of fizz and a bit of a chat. “They represent a milestone in the way amplifiers and preamplifiers are designed while they continue capitalising on the expertise Goldmund has developed over almost 40 years of research and development”.

“This explains that their names remain the traditional “Telos” or “Mimesis”, followed by the number of the previous series and the addition of the “NextGen” label to clearly differentiate them. The Telos 1000 NextGen, the Telos 2500 NextGen (below) and Mimesis 22 NextGen (second below) are thus our latest and extremely high-end products that perpetuate the Goldmund audiophile lines and tradition”.

It all started with the creation of the new Telos 5500 that was designed to exceed the quality of the most powerful amplifier ever created by the brand: the Telos 5000. This new version was re-designed with many major technical improvements including its power supply that makes it more powerful than its predecessor. Its input stage is also completely different with both Analogue (RCA+XLR) and Digital (RCA) inputs as standard. The input circuit was also enhanced to allow silent switching and guarantee the stability when input mode and level are changed. The amplifier security has been “considerably perfected” in order to protect precious drivers from the extreme power the amplifier can deliver.

Goldmund say that the results were so striking that they decided to apply all these enhancements to their other top analogue amplifiers too. The Telos 1000 NextGen and 2500 NextGen borrow their power amplifier boards from the Telos 5500 and from the most powerful Goldmund speakers like the Apologue Anniversary by using the same circuit-board, the Goldmund 6209H. Both amplifiers come with a better input board in digital, better thermal grounding, and increased power for The Telos 2500 NextGen with its new 80 000 microfarad PSU power bank.

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