Cardas Audio

In ears are massive at the moment. Here’s a visitor to the High End Show enjoying portable sounds courtesy of the Cardas stand.

Vinni Rossi and his LIO preamplifier. Would like to get a listen to one of these sometime!

Monitor Audio Silver series at High End. Read more in this report.

This looked a nifty concept…an all in one vinyl, digital recording playback system called Sugarcube. There’s real time, non-destructive filters for pops and clicks, automatic metadata and track splitting, 192K/24 ADC and DAC and you can control it from your smartphone. I can’t help thinking that this is going to be hugely popular.

Really interesting coaxial loudspeakers from German brand Musikelectronic Geithain.

Munich High End Show 2017 Report Part Eight
High End Munich 2017 – The Newcomers

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