Take your seats for The Audiobarns stage of the Kudos Titan Active Roadshow.  Audiobarn say they shall be focusing on something just a little bit more affordable for this event.

Titan 606 Speakers

Showcasing the Titan 606, the speakers will be featured in a passive setup including the Naim NDX 2 and 282/250, before switching gear to see how the same system works Actively with a SNAXO and 2nd 250 added.

The system:


Naim NAC 282/HiCap DR

Naim NAP 250 DR

Kudos Audio Titan 606

Immediately followed by:


Naim NAC 282/HiCap DR

SuperCap DR/Snaxo Active Crossover/2 x NAP 250 DR

Kudos Audio Titan 606

Listening Sessions By Musical Genre

The day is casually organised into four listening sessions as set our below. Grouped by musical genre, and then followed by a ‘requests’ sessions, you can choose exactly when you want to drop in.

The Days Running Order

11:00 am Start

Playlist 1: Classical & Jazz

30 minutes Passive

30 minutes Active

12:00 pm Tea & Coffee Break

Playlist 2: Hi-Fi Classics

30 minutes Passive

30 minutes Active

13:30 pm Lunch

Playlist 3: Rock & Pop

30 minutes Passive

30 minutes Active

15:00 pm Requests

This will run for 2 hours using the Active setup only.

Complimentary drinks and sandwiches will be on offer as at all Audiobarn events

Saturday 5th October 2019, 11:00am

For links to reserve your place and info on this and many other Hifi Shows and Hifi Events worldwide, visit the Hifi Pig Hifi Diary page now!


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