Touchstone Audio have informed us of an innovative addition to the High-end audio events calendar which will take place on Saturday November 3rd and Sunday November 4th at the Moat House Hotel near Reading in Berkshire from 9.30 ’til “late” on the Saturday and 10am through to 4pm on the Sunday.

Three Hi-fi distributors and retailers have come together as a collective force to present a unique occasion where you will have the opportunity to experience first hand some highly regarded audio components and accessories.

Touchstone Audio, Air Audio and Acoustic Brands Limited consider that the “UK Hi-fi market needs a bit of life injecting into it” and this is what they hope to achieve with this exciting event. They believe that the music loving public deserve to be given a choice in the hi-fidelity equipment they listen to and the brands that they carry echo this collected conviction.

As well as the opportunity to listen to brands already well known in audiophile circles such as the UK’s Astin Trew, there will also be a chance to hear more esoteric marques from manufacturers such as Fonel Audio, ELAC Loudspeakers and Octave from Germany and Struss from Poland who will be demonstrating the world’s most powerful integrated amplifier. From Switzerland, Holborne Swiss Audio Instruments will demonstrate the “finesse and precision that has become synonymous with the country’s meticulousness attention to detail”

As well as the products themselves, representatives from the manufacturers will be on hand to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

Utilising four large rooms the event will give audiophiles and music lovers the chance to discover a selection of audio equipment and what’s more you can do this in a comfortable and relaxed environment, where you can listen and enjoy the equipment on offer without the demands usually associated with a more conventional hi-fi show.

HiFi Network will present:

Elac Loudspeakers, EAT, Vertere and Opalum.

Acoustic Brands Limited will present:

Fonel Audio, Aurelia Loudspeakers, Struss and Rogoz, Holborne, Davone, Boenicke and Mumax panels.

Air Audio will present:

Astin Trew, Acoustic Signature, VOVOX Cables, DSS, Octave and Trichord Research.

Should be good fun!




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  1. sounds like it will be a good event, so many shows tend to be a bit of a bunfight and you dont hear equipment at it”s best. Will you be doing a report for people who cant get there?

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