New from Nordost is the QKOIL QK1. The new product is a load resonating coil (LRC) which Nordost say generates a passive electronic field that has a “beneficial sonic effect on the AC current”.
The QKOIL QK1 from Nordost uses LFR along with Nordost’s “patented Micro Mono-Filament technology” which they say in a loading application “prevents time delay and distortion of the transmitted signal, making the AC current that much closer to the desired distortionless condition”.
QKOIL QK1 is the entry level product and is housed in a “mechanically tuned carbon-fiber body”. It comes with either a US (NEMA) or Eu (Schuko) connector (though can be used with a AUS or UK adapter) and is said to be compatible with voltages from 110V to 240V.
Operation is a simple case of plugging into a spare socket.
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