Billed as being in the Vinyl Village but actually in the main connecting area Ammonite Audio were drawing a good crowd every time we passed.
Visitors to the show could hear Miyajima stereo and mono cartridges, Miyajima stereo and mono moving coil step-up transfomers, Reed tonearms, Ziro Audio cables, Townshend isolation products, as well as Ammonite’s own range of mounting collars for Jelco tonearms. The various products were played through a Kenwood KD-990 fitted with a 12″ Reed 3P tonearm and Thorens TD-124 fitted with a Fidelity Research FR-64S tonearm, all through a Beyerdynamic/Denon headphone system.
The Reed “P tonearm with the wooden wand was of particular interest as it allows adjustment of VTA and azimuth on the fly.
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