Rega has announced a new addition to their hand-made moving coil cartridge line up, the Ania Pro.

This latest member of the Rega MC cartridge range uses their advanced Vital profile nude diamond stylus (previously found in the more costly Apheta 2 MC model).

Rega Ania Pro

Using a unique hand-wound micro coil found in the rest of the MC range, the Ania Pro is housed in a PPS highly rigid body. Ania Pro features Rega’s three point fixing method which offers the optimum connection to the head-shell while automatically setting overhang.

The body is protected by a distinctive red, CAD designed, rigid cover to protect the internal fine wires, making handling when fitting, safe and risk free. The Ania Pro features a super high-powered, neodymium magnet and a coil hand wound on to an iron micro cross.

Rega says that “the Ania Pro is the perfect partner for the Planar 3, Planar 6 or Planar 8 turntable and our range of MC phono stages”.

Price & Availability

Ania Pro: UK SSP: £750

Rega factory fitted options are available for both Planar 6 and Planar 8 from 1st February 2020

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