Sound Fowndations are this year making their exhibit more ‘Bristol-friendly’ by pitching it at what most of the show-goers seem to want. Previously they have  had one room with a ‘big’ system: Clearaudio Innovation, DS Master One, Gamut amps and speakers etc, with the system price coming to well over £50k. 

This year they’re showing the Clear Audio Concept turntable (new Black edition) using Larsen speakers (and borrowing some Exposure amps to be more cost-friendly). The distributors idea is “to show what a great sound can be had for not such a lot of money”. Alongside the Concept they will have the Performance DC (next turntable up the range), fitted with DS Audio’s DS 002 optical phono cartridge. It’s High End but more budget friendly in room 220.

Room 209 will focus primarily on IsoTek demos with the brand’s Bjoern Kort in attendance to lead the demonstrations on power cleaning technologies.

New products on show from Sound Fowndations include IsoTek’s new flagship mains cable the EVO3 Ascension, and the Furutech NCF.



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