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Stratton Acoustics awarded its first patent, and announces a new, smaller model for early 2024 launch.

Stratton Acoustics Mechanically Isolated Tweeter Assembly Patent Stratton Acoustics E12 hifi news

Stratton Acoustics, the UK-based manufacturer of the high-end Elypsis 1512 loudspeaker, which launched at the Audio Show Deluxe 2023, has been awarded a patent for its Mechanically Isolated Tweeter Assembly, set also to feature in its upcoming new model.


Invented by Stratton’s founder, David Fowler, and set also to be incorporated into the company’s upcoming new loudspeakers, the 1512’s tweeter is designed to address high-frequency reproduction issues that have traditionally plagued both high-power active, and passive, multi-driver loudspeakers.

 ‘At Stratton Acoustics we don’t do ‘hit and hope’… we firmly believe in an engineering-led approach to loudspeaker design. The considered balance of physics, material selection, manufacturing process, heritage longevity and, of course, aesthetics, are the foundation stones of the musical engagement that we want our products to deliver for decades to come”. David Fowler


The Stratton Acoustics Mechanically Isolated Tweeter Assembly is built into every Stratton Acoustics loudspeaker.

 David says: ‘Our Mechanically Isolated Tweeter Assembly ensures that no external energy from the already massively rigid enclosure can be passed through to the tweeter dome.’

In the past, engineers have often tried to further decouple tweeters using elastomer rings but their effectiveness can be limited by their absolute length. Fowler’s solution has been to extend the effective length of that ring, by adding radial extensions to it.

‘It’s a simple change but one that offers multiple sonic advantages, says Fowler. ‘By varying both the length and position of the extensions, it’s now possible to resist interference from a far wider range of vibration modes.’


That enhanced versatility means that Stratton’s vibration isolation approach, first deployed in the 4-way Elypsis 1512, can also now be used for tweeters in smaller loudspeaker designs, with fewer drive units.

The first evidence of that will be seen in the form of a new, as yet unnamed two-way loudspeaker (codename E12) that Stratton Acoustics is currently readying for a March 2024 launch.

HiFi PiG Says: Congratulations to David and the Stratton Acoustics team…and we cannot wait to hear the new speaker!

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