I love factory visits and so when an invitation to Linn in Glasgow dropped onto our virtual doormat I was really quite chuffed. I’ve known, as many of you reading this will have, Linn from my teenage days and reading the mags of the day and lusting after the LP 12, Isobariks etc. Needless to say I ended up owning aforementioned turntable having spent the majority of my first term at university’s grant on a second-hand one (afromosia plinth, no arm and no cartridge). That got swapped, along with my Musical Fidelity The Preamp and Crimson Electric amp, for a pair of Technics 1210s when the acid house craze kicked off and I started my Djing career. For many years I was Linnless (though many will have noticed the fact that the good lady wife is a Lin, though missing an n from the end of her name). I digress but Linn did play a major part in the rekindling of my love of Hifi when about 13 years ago Lin (Mrs Hifi Pig) noticed some Linn gear for sale on a local expat forum. So I was now fully kitted out with an LP12 (this time it had an arm and cartridge), a Karik CD player, Majik amp and a pair of Keilidh speakers. So, to say Linn are somewhat instrumental in the creation of what has become Hifi Pig is a bit of an understatement. More »
Sicily is famed for its lemons. Fortunately, John Scott discovers that Sicilian amplifier manufacturer Audiozen’s Alchemy amp is a bit of a peach at £3091. More »
Onkyo has announced the A-9110 and A-9130, new integrated stereo amplifiers. More »
APURNA, who we visited in Valence, France, have announced their new stereo amp the Prelude. It will be available from September 2018 in two versions, Power Amplifier and Integrated Amplifier. More »
Aimed at the budget market the Cyrus ONE amp packs a lot of features into its diminutive box, allied with the equally budget friendly ONELinear speakers you have a full system for a little over £1000. Ian Ringstead takes a listen. More »
The Parasound Halo 2.1 Integrated Amplifier with DAC is a fully featured integrated amplifier with an on-board DAC and much more. David Robson takes a listen to this £2999 well specified amp. More »
Schiit Audio EU have announced the introduction of its third-generation Lyr headphone amp/preamp. Using Schiit’s new Coherence™ hybrid single-tube/solid state architecture, new Continuity™ constant-transconductance output stage, the same modular design as Jotunheim, Lyr 3 is a dramatic advance in technology, versatility, and convenience say the company. Lyr 3 is available now from Schiit EU starting at £530 with a Tung-Sol Tube. More »
Leema Acoustics, based in Wales have launched an Anniversary edition of their well received Tucana II integrated amplifier. Hifi Pig takes a listen. More »
Hand-made in Wales, Leema Acoustics’ new Pulse IV amplifier is a ‘hub’ for contemporary music-listening with turntable connectivity, Bluetooth playback and seven digital inputs enabling a huge range of devices to connect. More »
Based in Wales Leema has a great reputation for designing and building electronics to suit all pockets. Dominic Marsh takes a listen to their Tuscana II Integrated amplifier costing £3,995. More »
McIntosh, who were founded in the USA in 1949, have announced the MC1.25KW Quad Balanced Power Amplifier. McIntosh told us: “The MC1.25KW is our newest and one of our most advanced amplifiers. Redesigned from top to bottom, it replaces the venerable MC1.2KW as our most powerful single chassis monoblock amplifier. A simple glance at the 158 pound (71.7 kg) MC1.25KW is enough to convey its power and performance capabilities, but when you hear it – then you’ll truly understand what it can do”. More »
The first hybrid integrated amplifier from McIntosh has been announced, the the MA252 Integrated Amplifier. More »