27. July 2022 · Comments Off on Mobile Fidelity Mastering Process Statement · Categories: Hifi News · Tags: , , , , ,


The internet has been flooded with talk about MoFi, their mastering process and the use of digital technology in the process, now they have released a statement.

Mobile Fidelity Mastering Process Statement

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02. June 2021 · Comments Off on Intonation Audio Technology · Categories: Hifi News · Tags: , , , , ,


Intonation Audio Technology are an Irish company that are launching new techniques to recover lost digital information, preserve analogue sound integrity and allow analogue sound to be held in small files.

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Chris Feickert has been building his handmade Dr Feickert Analogue turntables in Germany for over twenty years.

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Merrill Audio of the USA has announced a large upgrade from their previous Tape Head Preamplifier, the Master Tape Head Preamp.

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On Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November KJ West One’s Central London showroom will host a weekend of special presentations, seminars and demonstrations focusing on all things analogue.

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We have been closely following Kostas Metaxas and the development of his new Reel to Reel machine, now we can bring you some video footage of it in action.

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Designed and assembled in Altdorf, Germany, Acoustic Solid have been building their turntables since 1997. They produce turntables using advanced technologies and materials such as cast bearing coating and Teflon, ceramic and ruby.

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The DV2 DAC builds on the EMM Labs technology used in Canadian brand’s flagship DA2 converter.

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Recording The Masters introduced brand new FOX C60 audio cassettes earlier in 2018. In 2019 they are expanding their accessory line and introducing coloured flanges and NAB adapters. More »

Many Audiophiles argue that the absolute best “source” for reproduced music is analogue tape recorded on 10″ reels at 15ips. The same analogue tape reel-to-reel recorders are also seen as the absolute best way to record and capture music [concert recording]. More »

The TAGA Harmony HTA-25B uses a combination of valves and transistors to create an entry level hybrid amp. More »

The Supreme-Analog Tangenta Referenca tonearm from Serbia, will be making it’s debut in the USA early next month. More »

Certain to be of big interest in the DIY Audio community, Burning Amp Festival 2017 is coming to the Fort Mason Centre in San Francisco on Sunday, November 12th from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 PM. This year  BAF’s hours have been extended due to the increased interest and popularity of DIY audio amongst music-loving enthusiasts and audiophiles of all ages. More »

Łukasz Fikus, owner of the Polish company Lampizator, known for their high end DACs, got in touch to tell us about their new creation, the Pacific DAC. More »

Aqua Acoustic Quality, of Milan Italy have released a new updated DAC, the Formula xHD. The Formula xHD features the following upgrades and modifications as compared to the Formula DAC:
–    New firmware release 3.0 for the main FPGA (DAC) with optimisation of the code
–    New USB board with hybrid architecture cod. A108
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While at High End Munich 2017 we were drawn to the very eye-catching new brand, Art Deco Acoustics, read on for further details about their system. More »

Lyn Stanley spoke to us about her work and love of Reel 2 Reel tape, just as she was about to start recording her latest album, now named ‘The Moonlight Sessions Volume One’. The album will be given a preview at the upcoming Axpona show in Chicago and is due for release in May. More »

In case you are not familiar with the name Unison Research, it is an Italian company in business for some 20 years or so at Treviso, a municipality just to the north of Venice, with a well earned reputation for producing some excellent hifi components. Dominic Marsh has a play with their Triode 25 valve amplifier. More »

At the end of 2009, B.M.C. Audio presented the MCCI Phono preamplifier, with a new concept for proceeding MC-cartridge’s signals. More »

Tom Vu, president of TraingleArt, got in touch to tell us more about their latest tonearms, the Osiris MK2 and the Horus. More »

APURNA is a new brand of audio amplifier from France, but above all is a brand telling the story of one couple’s “passion for the purest technology and elegance”. After years of work and thought, Catherine and Franck Borne today are proud to launch their analogue amplifier that, they say “delivers not only on performance, but every bit as much on refinement and design”. More »

After a four-year development period, Ballfinger has introduced the first newly developed analogue tape recorder for around 25 years, the Tonbandmaschine M 063 was revealed at the Norddeutschen Hifi-Tage, in Hamburg last weekend. They also unveiled their new Schallplattenspieler PS 2 Directl-drive Turntable with active radial arm and moving coil system. More »

More than 30 years after production of the last ReVox reel to reel machine, the first book of the complete reel to reel production range has been released, with text in English and Italian. More »

If you fancy checking out Swiss manufacturer Nagra at CES 2017, they will be at the Venetian, Room 29-121, 5th – 8th January, Las Vegas, USA. More »

roksponsmallABC records has partnered with RecordingTheMasters (MULANN Group) to offer tape recording services.  More »