Norma HS-IPA 1 is a modular (but in this case, fully loaded) integrated amplifier from Italy that includes a DAC, phono-stage, and headphone amplifier. The unit costs £3650 as tested and here Janine Elliot takes it for a whirl.
Costing €3198 the UltraDAC from Berlin-based brand BMC Audio is an unusual design
both inside and out; Dan Worth takes a listen for Hifi Pig.
French High End electronics brand, Jadis, have released their new JS1 MKV and JS2 MKIV DACs, (the JS1 MkV is pictured, with its separate power supply unit). A full complement of valves combines with digital technology to make, say Jadis, “the perfect high-end DACs for people who listen to digital music but crave the captivating tonality and flow of pure analogue sound”. More »