01. September 2023 · Comments Off on Otto & Astrid’s Joint Solo Project · Categories: Hifi News, Live Music, Music News · Tags:

John Scott continues his journey around Edinburgh fringe and checks out Otto & Astrid’s Joint Solo Project

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23. August 2023 · Comments Off on Edinburgh Fringe Day 6 – IL WOL DANG · Categories: Hifi News, Live Music, Music News · Tags:

As the Edinburgh Fringe approaches fever pitch, John Scott enjoys a moment of tranquillity with Korean group IL WOL DANG. More »

22. August 2023 · Comments Off on Edinburgh Fringe Day 5 – DJ YODA · Categories: Hifi News, Live Music, Music News · Tags:

A night at the movies – with a difference.  John Scott checks out DJ Yoda’s Tarantino AV Show. More »

22. August 2023 · Comments Off on Edinburgh Fringe Day 4 – Duane Forrest – The Climb, & Distant Memories of the Near Future · Categories: Hifi News, Live Music, Music News · Tags:

John Scott continues his exploration of the Edinburgh Fringe with Duane Forrest and David Head

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12. August 2023 · Comments Off on Tom Veck – Songs in the Key of Strife · Categories: Hifi News, Music News · Tags:

John Scott checks out Tom Veck’s  Songs in the Key of Strife at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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07. August 2023 · Comments Off on The Edinburgh Fringe 2023 – DAY 2 · Categories: Hifi News, Music News · Tags:

Day 2 of the Edinburgh Fringe with HiFi PiG’s intrepid John Scott.

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07. August 2023 · Comments Off on The Edinburgh Fringe 2023 – The HiFi PiG Guide · Categories: Hifi News, Music News · Tags:

HiFi PiG’s Guide To The Edinburgh Fringe with John Scott. More »