If you are a hifi enthusiast, you may well think that there would be no better way to spend a couple of hours than listening to a system from one of the world’s most respected hifi companies.  You would, however, be wrong.  More »

Linn is giving away a great gift to all music lovers this Christmas with the chance to download a free daily track from a host of clairemartinmajor Linn artists – in Studio Master quality, the highest download quality available.

From 1st December Linn’s online advent calendar will offer 24 days of free downloads, giving everybody the chance to explore and expand their musical taste. Every day up until Christmas Eve, Linn will be giving music loversx the chance to discover a new piece from its music catalogue, with a different track free to download.

There’s sure to be something for everyone to enjoy, including a diverse selection of genres, in addition to well-known favourite artists such as: Britain’s First Lady of Jazz Claire Martin, the compelling Australian singer-songwriter Emily Barker, Scottish legend Dougie MacLean and many more. I downloaded some of the tunes last year and was suitably impressed…and who doesn’t love a freebie?

24-bit Studio Master downloads can be enjoyed using a dedicated network music player or via a laptop or PC, and are the highest quality music files available. They allow the listener to hear music exactly as it was recorded, before it was altered to fit on a CD or squashed down to MP3 size.


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I was discussing with a fellow hifi nerd (sorry audiophile) the merits of CD over vinyl and during the discourse he happened to mention that he was firmly in the digital hi-fi camp and had sold all his vinyl, 400 albums or so, about 10 years ago. This reminded me and caused a certain melancholy to descend as I thought back to the day I sold my beloved record collection.

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