Austrian company Pro-Ject Audio Systems, turntable manufacturer, are enthusiastic devotees of analogue technologies. Throughout their history, they have always been dedicated to natural, acoustic music from a broad range of genres.
Merrill Audio of the USA has announced a large upgrade from their previous Tape Head Preamplifier, the Master Tape Head Preamp.
On Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November KJ West One’s Central London showroom will host a weekend of special presentations, seminars and demonstrations focusing on all things analogue.
We have been closely following Kostas Metaxas and the development of his new Reel to Reel machine, now we can bring you some video footage of it in action.
Merrill Audio have just announced their Pure Tape Head Preamp for Reel to Reel machines.
STS, the Dutch recording label, have three special stereo two track tapes for the High End Munich show.
Turntable manufacturer Thorens are opening a new chapter in the history of high quality analogue reproduction, with the introduction of their new tape machine, the TM 1600.
One of the most colourful characters in the Hifi world has to be Kostas Metaxas. His work is art that plays music, and he has just launched some more of his ‘Disruptive Sculptures’, flamboyant and beautiful pieces that help keep the industry interesting.
Recording The Masters introduced brand new FOX C60 audio cassettes earlier in 2018. In 2019 they are expanding their accessory line and introducing coloured flanges and NAB adapters. More »
After 35 years of serious recording work for Broadcast Television using Swiss portable and studio machines from Stellavox (the SM8 portables & TD9 Studio machine), and over 40 years experience in the Hi End Audio industry, Artist/Designer/Recording Engineer Kostas Metaxas has finally designed what he hopes will be “the ultimate machine to capture an unrivalled realism with Analogue Tape”. More »
We have heard a lot recently about the rise of another, once thought outdated, format. The cassette tape. Global cassette consumption is increasing and the media are talking about an 80% growth in recent years. In addition, artists and independent labels are releasing new albums on cassette tapes. More »
In the last three years or so we have seen a steady increase in the number of reel to reel players at High End in Munich and it seems that more and more audiophiles are adopting the format despite the relatively small number of new releases on tape. Of course there are a handful of specialist companies releasing product on tape and judging by the number of people carrying tape around at the show, it is been lapped up. And so, without further a do here’s some of the reel to reel tape players we happened across at this year’s High End in Munich. No words, just pictures of some truly beautiful reel to reel players for your delectation… More »
In the last three years or so we have seen a steady increase in the number of reel to reel players at High End in Munich and it seems that more and more audiophiles are adopting the format despite the relatively small number of new releases on tape. Of course there are a handful of specialist companies releasing product on tape and judging by the number of people carrying tape around at the show, it is been lapped up. And so, without further a do here’s some of the reel to reel tape players we happened across at this year’s High End in Munich. No words, just pictures of some truly beautiful reel to reel players for your delectation. More »
Kostas Metaxas will be showing some new products in his ‘Statement’ system at this year’s High End Munich show. More »
Many Audiophiles argue that the absolute best “source” for reproduced music is analogue tape recorded on 10″ reels at 15ips. The same analogue tape reel-to-reel recorders are also seen as the absolute best way to record and capture music [concert recording]. More »
Janine Elliot takes a listen to Mike Valentine’s Chasing the Dragon label’s Reel to Reel Revival “Big Band Spectacular” by the Syd Lawrence Orchestra. Needless to say this is a reel to reel release. More »
Lyn Stanley spoke to us about her work and love of Reel 2 Reel tape, just as she was about to start recording her latest album, now named ‘The Moonlight Sessions Volume One’. The album will be given a preview at the upcoming Axpona show in Chicago and is due for release in May. More »
Janine Elliot takes a listen to the STS Digital reel to reel copy of Jazz Masters Volume 1 More »
After a four-year development period, Ballfinger has introduced the first newly developed analogue tape recorder for around 25 years, the Tonbandmaschine M 063 was revealed at the Norddeutschen Hifi-Tage, in Hamburg last weekend. They also unveiled their new Schallplattenspieler PS 2 Directl-drive Turntable with active radial arm and moving coil system. More »
More than 30 years after production of the last ReVox reel to reel machine, the first book of the complete reel to reel production range has been released, with text in English and Italian. More »
If you fancy checking out Swiss manufacturer Nagra at CES 2017, they will be at the Venetian, Room 29-121, 5th – 8th January, Las Vegas, USA. More »
Police Interview a British Icon
Janine Elliot continues her fascinating RetroBites series, this time focusing on reel to reel and cassette tapes and in particular the British brands NEAL and Ferrograph. More »