More than 30 years after production of the last ReVox reel to reel machine, the first book of the complete reel to reel production range has been released, with text in English and Italian. More »

roksponsmallABC records has partnered with RecordingTheMasters (MULANN Group) to offer tape recording services.  More »

Hifi is an odd bod. We get great ideas, and then go backwards in sound quality before going forwards again. I mean, look at the resurgence of the LP, or the backwards philosophy of MP3. Most will say the CD was a bit of a white elephant. Of course we all remember the cassette tape, and some will be pleased that one hasn’t come back, although a new “ReVox” reel2reel based on the Studer B-676 is on its way back soon as ¼ inch tape begins a mini revival. Hurray. More »