Unison Research Simply 845 is an £8500 integrated amplifier using the impressive-looking 845 tube and equally impressive woodwork. Will this Italian beauty be a feast for the ears as well as the eyes? Janine Elliot finds out for HiFi PiG.
The Fezz Audio Titania Integrated Amplifier is part of the Polish brand’s Evolution Range of electronics and costs just shy of £3500. Janine Elliot takes a listen for HiFi PiG.
The Icona integrated amplifier from the Italian brand MastersounD operates in Class-A triode mode or Pentode mode, doubling its 12W a channel output. Michael Fairbairn takes a listen to this £6950 amplifier from Italy.
In this Aurorasound HFSA-01 integrated review, Janine Elliot takes a listen to this valve amplifier that uses the EL84 valve/tube and costs £3699 in the UK.
The LAB 12 Suara Valve Amplifier use the powerful KT150 tube pushing out an impressive 50W of Class A power and costs £3145 (€3835 $4490). Stuart Smith takes a listen for HiFi Pig.More »
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