It’s that time of year again folks, when all thoughts turn to Munich! We are proud to announce that British cable manufacturer, Tellurium Q are sponsoring the Hifi Pig High End Munich 2019 coverage.
High End Munich 2019
Hifi Pig always brings you the most comprehensive High End Munich coverage, from our pre show news to our post show reports…keep an eye on us for all of the latest from the greatest Hifi Show on the planet! Expect new product launches, new brands and loads of photos from us in the coming weeks!
Tellurium Q will be exhibiting their latest range of cables at the show, for more info click here.
The dates for your diary for High End Munich 2019 are the 9th to 12th of May at the MOC Munich…we will see you there!
Keep up to date with all the latest from High End Munich 2019 here, and of course like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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