The Avantgarde Duos were ordered at last year’s Munich High-End and after a few months of feverish anticipation they finally arrived on a huge pallet. The packaging of these loudspeakers is exceptionally clever and very well thought out, making what could potentially be a very tricky exercise in unpacking, really rather simple…though there were a few worried faces at Hifi Pig Towers when the lorry driver had them on the edge of his wagon…
These have been in the main system a good while now and a review will follow in a month or two.

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The Avantgarde Duos were ordered at last year’s Munich High-End and after a few months of feverish anticipation they finally arrived on a huge pallet. The packaging of these loudspeakers…
Hifi Pig review of the Audiovector SR3 Avantgarde loudspeakers costing £6500. "Danish folks don’t just produce butter, they also produce some very fine hifi components and Audiovector loudspeakers are no…
Hot on the heals of their nomination for the prestigious German Design Award 2016 (The German Design Council) for their TRIO and ZERO 1 loudspeakers, Avantgarde Acoustics have announced that…
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