Vinyl is everywhere at the moment and High End Munich is THE place to go is you want to see some really High End turntables and associated kit. Here’s a selection of the turntables that caught my eye. Of course some of these turntables are built with no expense being spared but that’s not to say there weren’t a good number of more affordable turntables too. Words kept to a minimum as we know it’s the pics you want!

There are six pages, just click on the doodad at the very bottom of each page. 

Continuum Audio Labs, AMG, VPI, Graham Slee, Kuzma, Acoustic Signature, Hanss Acoustics, Funk Firm, Dr Feikert, Acoustical Systems, Wand, Pro-Ject, Panalogue, First Voice, SME, Gold Note, Kronos, Scheu Analog, Triangle Art, Transrotor, Tech Das, Convert Technologies, 440 Audio, Clearaudio, Thorens, Origin Live, Roksan, Audio Exclusiv, Elac, EMT, AVID Hifi, Reed and Triangle. 

Continuum Audio Labs and their Obsidian turntable and Viper tonearm.

The AMG Jubilaums-Giro costing 22 495 Euros.

A few shots of the all American VPI Titan turntable sporting two arms. The chap on the left with the “ears” is Mat Weisfeld who runs the company with John Carol of Loud and Clear. A huge thanks to Mat for getting the pink mats printed up in double quick time. If you picked one of the mats up from us then post a pic of it on your turntable on Facebook with the #HifiPig tag.

Graham Slee’s excellent phonostages with his Majestic DAC photobombing the image.

Slovenian manufacturer Kuzma have a great reputation in audiophile circles.

High End Munich 2017 – Round Up From The High End Society
Bird's Eye View Of High End Munich 2017 – The Year Hifi Got Sexy And Fun.

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