Acoustic Signatures Invictus turntable and four arms, because everyone needs four arms!

The Hanss Acoustics T-60 SE.

The Funk Firm’s Saffire V turntable, Arthur Khoubesserian talking about his new tonearm to visitors to the show and finally the new AK 1 tonearm.

The Woodpecker from Dr Feikert

The absolutely insane Apolyt from Acoustical Systems along with the Evocator tube phonostage. To get a sense of scale just look at the platter compared to the rest of the turntable. This was launched at the High End Show last year.

From New Zealand the all new Wand turntable. Many will be familiar with the tonearm and so it is great to see them with their own turntable too.

Pro-Ject always bring loads of turntables to pretty much every show and Munich was no exception.

High End Munich 2017 – Round Up From The High End Society
Bird's Eye View Of High End Munich 2017 – The Year Hifi Got Sexy And Fun.

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