The Panalogue turntable.


Pictured below is Dr Jacques Bloch with his First Voice turntable.

A brace of SMEs.

Gold Note Analog turntable, a close up of the fantastic Tuscany Red cartridge that I currently use and the new PH 10 phonostage. The PH 10 has four different gain levels, nine different load settings and three selectable curves for RIAA, Decca-London and American-Columbia

Kronos and the guy that builds these in Montreal, Louis Desjardins. One of the highlights of this years High End was when a young punk asked Louis to play a NOFX record and he willingly obliged…followed by a brilliant bit of live Hendrix. I spoke to the young guy afterwards and he said it was just too perfect and he could hear all the mistakes in the mix.

High End Munich 2017 – Round Up From The High End Society
Bird's Eye View Of High End Munich 2017 – The Year Hifi Got Sexy And Fun.

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