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Tony Fox Sales: Bowie and Iggy Pop icon celebrates 45 years of Lust For Life – live dates in UK, Ireland and Japan.

Esteemed former Iggy Pop and Tin Machine bass-player, Tony Fox Sales, sets out on a rare UK tour next Spring. His first tour of the UK since 1991, he will also be performing dates in Tokyo and Dublin. With an all-star line-up, Sales is joined by legendary Blondie drummer, Clem Burke; vocalist, renowned broadcaster and Pet Shop Boys dancer, Katie Puckrik; Iggy Pop and David Bowie guitarist, Kevin Armstrong;  guitarist, Luis Correia, who’s toured internationally with Earl Slick; and classical pianist, composer, and touring member of Heaven 17, Florence Sabeva.

Tony Fox Sales will perform the Lust For Life album in full, as well as revisiting songs from across the individual band members’ careers with legendary artists such as Blondie and David Bowie.


Monday, February 20, 2023  – Osaka, Billboard Live

Thursday, February 23, 2023 – Tokyo, Billboard Live

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 – Bristol, Exchange

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 – London, The 100 Club

Thursday, March 2, 2023 – Liverpool, The Cavern

Friday, March 3, 2023 –  Hull, Social

Saturday, March 4, 2023 – Hebden Bridge, Trades Club

Sunday, March 5, 2023 – Edinburgh, The Voodoo Rooms

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 – Dublin, Whelan’s

Thursday, March 9, 2023  – Colchester, Arts Centre

Friday, March 10, 2023 –  St Leonards, The Piper

Saturday, March 11, 2023 – London, The Lexington

Sunday, March 12, 2023 – London, The Lexington


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